Pure Water​—A Wonder of Nature, Part 1 By @iddy.


Reward to Charity Accounts 10% to @worldsmile and 40% to @smilenigeria


Greetings to you all, how are you doing? Hopefully, you are fine, I am great. I am here to share with you this title, pure water -a wonder of nature.

Water is very crucial for us humans and the fascinating thing about water is that it can not be used only once. Over the centuries, starting from the time of our great grandparents, even before their time, people have been using the same water, the same water we now used all over the globe.

What enables this? One process that makes this possible, is known as the purification process. This process takes place in natural creations like water, this keeps the water bodies clean, therefore making generation after generation enjoy pure water. But we should forget that we humans have the responsibility of operating with this system to enable it to work without interference.

Self-Purification System


Water purifies itself, let's see how this is possible. When the sun shines, the heat from the sun radiates, and this heat evaporates water from the surface of the water bodies like the oceans, lakes, etc. This process lifts a great amount of water into the atmosphere day by day. Even the water from the surfaces of water bodies is dirty or salty, it will become almost pure because vaporization occurred during the process.

When this water returns to the earth in terms of snow or rain, it helps to purify the air as it would take dust and other impurities with it. When the water gets to the ground, it rinses the vegetation and other surfaces, thereby cleansing them. Some of the return water flows into the rivers while some soak into the ground.

However, when one draws up the groundwater from a good well or borehole, it's not visibly dirty, it became good, pure drinking water! What makes it clean?

Water foremost purifies mechanically when it soaks into the ground as the soil acts as a filter, it filters out the solid particles that were in the water before it passes through it.

Nonetheless, water has organic impurities in it, and these impurities are not removed by the filtration process performed by the soil, this form of purification has also been arranged, let's have a look.

Biological Purification


Organic impurities which are not removed by the filtration performed by the soil are removed by biological purification. In biological purification, the numbers of microorganisms that we can't count will go and work on the organic impurities. As the water soaks into the ground which normally happens slowly, bacteria and other organisms will eat the organic impurities as their food. The digestive systems of these microorganisms break the impurities down into matters that can serve as nourishment to the vegetation.

As purification of the water occurs in this way, numerous minerals are absorbed from the soil which improves the taste of the water as drinking water, therefore, ground in many places is good drinking water without further purification because of this.

A similar purification process is designed for Rivers, lakes, and oceans.

The larger part of solid impurities sink to the floor of these waters, and the biological process will take care of the remaining impurities. As the rain falls, it washes into the water bodies a good amount of nutrients from the soil. This nutrient includes nitrogen compound and phosphorous compound and other substances. The microorganisms in the water bodies work on these substances and break the substances into nutrients that serve as food for water plants. When these nutrients are supplied to the water bodies sufficiently, a balance is struck, and water remains sufficiently pure.

Most importantly, when the plants in the water receive sunlight, oxygen is produced by them in the water. Both microorganisms and fish are seriously in need of this oxygen to live. Therefore, the whole arrangement is a wonder of order, union, and efficiency.


Water is very essential to life, without water life is impossible. Processes have been put in place to keep the water bodies pure and drinkable, processes like self-purification system and biological purification, the design is marvelous. In the next article, I will write about how men cause problems for nature's self-purification system, wastewater treatment, and improved purification.

Thank you!

All images are edited in canva.


Here Is My Introductory Post

 2 years ago 

Wow, this is a huge information about nature , ofcourse water, to be specific. I enjoyed reading the purification process. Thank you very much and thank you for setting your beneficiary to @worldsmile and @smilenigeria.

 2 years ago 

It's my pleasure, thank you so much, I appreciate.

I haven't seen your posts in Campusconnectng, hope you're doing good?

I always enjoy your contents and comments, just checking up on you.

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