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RE: Contest | 25-Word-Comment - Monkey Business | A Picture + Comment - 6 Steem

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE3 months ago (edited)


It was towards the end of April when they put up that poster to promote a Roberto Bolle show I travel that stretch of the subway almost every day, frenzied in the morning and sleepwalking in the evening.

That evening, as I passed by the poster, I was awakened by an infinite pleasure. That body so strong, in such a fragile position, on a poster crowned by impeccable typographic style, captivated me.

I stood there watching it for a few seconds, maybe a minute, which seemed a long time. I was struck by a contrasting sensation. "What are you trying to tell me, Roberto? Is yours a cry against this society that no longer sees the beauty around us, a fight against growing arrogance, or an invitation to sensitize us through your art, to resist oppressive policies, promoting critical thinking and empathy in our city?

*I'm sorry that the photo in the comment doesn't maintain the correct proportions, distorting the true meaning of my thoughts.

Thanks to @wakeupkitty.pal to encourage me to write👋🌈

 3 months ago 

Otot roberto sangat natural, tentu dia sangat menjaga makanan alami dan pola latihan yang sangat disiplin. Saya pikir ini bagian kampanye untuk menjaga dan menghargai tubuh kita.

Tentu saja, Roberto merupakan contoh dedikasi dan disiplin terhadap tari; tujuannya adalah menari dengan cara yang tak bisa ditandingi oleh siapapun, dan banyak seniman bercita-cita mencapai hal ini. Namun, ada konsekuensi dari semua ini 🌈👋

 3 months ago 

Saya memeriksa dia adalah penari balet dan memberikan balet gayanya sendiri. Semoga lebih sehat tanpa pola makan mati kelaparan dan sepatu yang mematikan kaki dan pergelangan kaki. Saya belum pernah mendengar tentang dia tetapi dia pasti terkenal. Wajar atau tidak, bagi saya pria berotot ini tidak menarik. Dia juga melakukan koreografi pertunjukan menari. Apakah Anda ingin menjadi dia?

 3 months ago 

Kebanyakan wanita tertarik dengan pria berotot, saya pikir roberto menambahkan elemen otot pada gerakan tertentu dari tarian balet sebagai penegasan pada makna tarian tersebut. Kebanyakan pria menambakan memiliki otot yang natural, tidak terlalu besar seperti binaraga namun terkesan jantan dan otot akan membuat pakaian yang dikenakan pria menjadi lebih menarik. Bagi saya aneh ketika wanita tidak suka dengan pria berotot seperti yang saya maksudkan. Apakah anda menyukai pria yang perutnya buncit ? 😁

 3 months ago 

Wanita memang menyukai pria dengan otot alami dan rata-rata wanita menyukai pria yang bekerja. Tidak peduli apakah dia tukang ledeng, tukang kebun atau mencuci jendela.

Binaragawan tidak menarik ditambah lagi fokus pada tubuh mereka yang dipenuhi steroid dan hampir impoten karena itu. Juga, kekurangannya adalah otaknya mengecil jika memang ada otaknya.

Saya suka pria yang manis dan pria yang cerdas dan yang kreatif. Saya merasa sulit untuk bersama seseorang yang terlalu bodoh atau terlalu malas untuk hidup.
Saya tidak terlalu peduli dengan status atau penampilan, pada akhirnya kita semua akan menyusut dan akhirnya terlihat sama. Tapi otaklah yang membuat perbedaan. Fantasi, ide, pengetahuan, kegilaan, dan rasa manis yang tidak disukai oleh masyarakat adalah makanan bagi jiwa saya.
Perut buncit itu? Seberapa besar itu? Seperti yang dimiliki kepala sekolah di sekolah dasar saya? Lebih besar dari manusia?
Hal yang hebat tentang perut buncit pada pria adalah segera setelah Anda meminum bir, perut buncitnya akan hilang (hal ini tidak berlaku pada wanita).

Jika saya menemukan seorang pria yang manis, tidak masalah bagaimana penampilannya meskipun berat badannya 300 kg, maka saya akan mengatakan: lebih banyak pria yang mencintai saya.

Saya tidak sempurna dalam hal penampilan, jadi mengapa saya harus berharap pria dengan tubuh sempurna akan jatuh cinta pada saya? Sempurna seperti yang dilabelkan oleh masyarakat? Jarang sekali binaragawan dianggap sebagai pria yang paling menarik.

Apakah Anda menyukai wanita seperti ini?

 3 months ago 

Hahahaha, tentu tidak, wanita rasa pria 🤣🤣🤣. Pria maskulin tidak harus dengan otot. Tapi logika cerdas anda membalikkan keadaan tentang label otot 😁. Semoga hari ini menyenangkan buatmu 🥰

 3 months ago 

Bagi saya, pria tidak terlihat seperti wanita dan pria juga tidak terlihat seperti pria jika mereka binaragawan. Para pria ini tidak melakukannya untuk menyenangkan seorang wanita, tetapi untuk mereka sendiri. Hal ini membuat mereka merasa lebih baik bahkan jika penampilan manusia menghilang dan bagian belakangnya terlihat seperti gorila.

Hari/sore yang menyenangkan untuk Anda.

What's wrong with that photo? I never heard of him. Is he a body builder? I guess you want us to check cause you left the link or... Is this you?

Did he lay on the floor as they took the photo?

The photo was adapted to the space dedicated to comment images, distorting it in width and breaking the harmony, the sense of beauty and perfection that it had evoked in me the first time I saw it.

Now, in the post, I can no longer find that feeling; I only perceive the distortion of the body. I'm sorry because you can't see what I saw.

Roberto is a ballet dancer, considered one of the best in the world for the grace he expresses in the strength of his movements with the ballerinas.

Maintaining such a perfect body position is impossible in a relaxed state. Isn't that incredible?

I would have liked to reach such levels, but I limit myself to appreciating the beauty around us.

Thank you for giving me the impetus to delve deeper 🌈.

 3 months ago (edited)

I understand how a sudden view can capture you by surprise @ibesso. Strange how a camera rarely catches what we see.

Your body is perfect, don't worry I can tell 😻
Next to that you are sweet, adorable, you can write, draw, pick flowers, you like tiramisu, love music, are attentive, sent me a cocoa boat, like plums and make coffee. How perfect can one be? It's close to exhausting.

I clicked that link we can go next year and watch together although it might make you sad if you have to face what you think is perfect. 🤔

Perhaps we better go to Venice and you drink an aperol (such a stupid name "ape/n" means monkey in Dutch and "rol" is tumbling/rolling over).

Do you still visit the gym?
You are more than okay, the cat loves you and your bad hairday.


You know how emotionally sensitive I am. I don't always have the readiness to capture these moments, as I live rather hectic days. Reading your comment makes me blush; look, I can also cook.😋


I don't think seeing Roberto together next year will make me sad. Even though I'm straight, it will make my feminine side happy. If you'd like, we can get a rotating monkey at Camparino in Piazza Duomo, but if you prefer a gondola ride, in three hours with the Frecciarossa we can be in Piazza San Marco. I've taken a break from the gym and will start again in September; it's useless, I won't have that perfect body anymore, nor the hair🤣

‍♀️ Does anyone know what format the photos need to be to upload in the comments? Mine are awful; I'm not autistic, but the rigatoni don't look like that, I can assure you

Perhaps those rare moments you see are more impressive?

Reading my comment makes you blush and immediately you add one extra talent. I need a bigger paper to add this extra plus 📌
Gosh, you are getting more and more attractive! You can also cook! Always handy! 😍


Screenshot_20240707-174850_Samsung Internet.jpg

The screenshot I took looks similar to what I see on my phone but different after I uploaded it. Your culinairy dish looks disabled. 🤔.

Do you see the same picture if you use your laptop and phone? Perhaps 800x800 or 500x500 is the max?

I'm straight too but Roberto is not attractive to me. I am not that much into muscle men same counts for bodybuilders but I like dancers.💃

I take all 4, thanks for the offer.

I skip the gym though I have enough excersice (2000 kilo firewood to go) and never had a perfect body whatever that my look like.
Do you need hair for the gym 🤔 at least you can save time on grooming and shaving.

Don't worry, I will check the internet what Riatoni should look like and I still love you if you are autistic. 😘


Tomorrow I will try with the laptop to find the right proportion and let you know. I think it depends on how I set up the phone camera. I don't know, it's muggy tonight, it's hot. I will go to the guesthouse; maybe it will be cooler. Be careful with your back with all that wood.
❤️🌻 🤗

Yes. let me know if you know more. I don't know if the settings of the camera should be changed or photo's should be made smaller with some tool. I have no intention to go to all that trouble.
It's a good thing I have you.

Muggy underneath the stars? You left some sweeties in the freezer.

For now I gave up on the firewood because I have to move in between the wasps and it limits me. Perhaps in a few days if the wasps found their way.


Don't worry friend about he photo, you did your best!

Thank you, @pousinha, for your comforting words👋

 3 months ago 

Have Mr. Roberto answer your question or remain the same as you as the plankton in the deep blue see when you swim with dolphin?. No need to say sorry, because we need you here too. Otherwise the story will not be completed.

The masculine poster of Roberto look attractive to some, but as an artist he must be very tired for keeping that posture hence he will never be able to answer your question then....

I..II....III try tell yo...uuu


have a good day @ibesso

I hope that after that minute of introspection between me and Roberto, he didn't fall off the poster.

Thank you for your valuable message and for appreciating my thoughts.🌈


Look at it on your phone so it's bigger.

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