Disclaimer: This diary game is linked to my yesterday's diary game. So If you're interested in reading, you'll have to read that first in order to understand lmao.



I got really sick at my friend's place yesterday. Partially because we went on a bike venture last night and partially because I ate sour candies. Anyway, I got an extremely sore throat and had fever. So yesterday I went back to my place. As soon as I got there, I took a hot bath, had dinner and tried to sleep early as I had my first exam today, but in vain. Due to my fever I couldn't sleep. I think I fell asleep around 4 am in the morning and then had to wake up at 7 for University.

I reached university at 8:30 am and our exam was to be started at 9 am. So for 30 minutes we all tried to revise what we har studied. I still wasn't feeling too good, so I ate 2 panadol tablets for my headache and fever. Around 8:55 am we all headed towards the exam hall unwillingly and at 9 am our exam started


The exam was being conducted in the Reading Room. It was an 100 MCQ exam which was conducted on conputers. We had 2 hours for the completion and I finished my test in 29 minutes. I tried to leave after it but was stopped by the invigilator as I hadn't sign d my attendance. So I had to wait for another 10 minutes for the attendance sheet and after that I left the hall. The funny thing is my friend and I have a sort of competition of who's going to finish the exam first. This has been goind on since a very long time. Pretty foolish, I know, but it ie what it is.


We had our labcoats on today for the exam so we asked another of my friends to click a photo of us. After about 30 more minutes rest of my friends started coming out of the exam hall. We stood their with seniors and they were sort of giving us advices on how we should prepare for our exams. My friend, Moiz, had some work in the Student Affairs department so I accompanied him there. It took us around 20 minutes in the department and on my eay back there's a renovation in our university where they have planted astroturf with some beautiful structure in the background. My friend asked me to lie down in the grass like that girl in Titanic of whom is the famous quote paint me like one of your french girls. So I did. 😂😂

This is the best I could've done 😂😂

After being done from the university, we headed back straight to my friend's house as we have back to back exams and we all have to do combined study. We went back in a rickshaw as our university points were to leave at 3 pm while we got free around 12.


As soon as I got home I offered zuhr prayers. After being done from the prayers we played fifa for 20 minutes or so and then had breakfast as we were hungry af.




After being done with all of this we finally set down to study and studied for straight 5-6 hours. We completed our course first and then after that we solved mcqs on the big screen.


After mcqs we went to a very famous cafe in karachi, New York Coffee from where we ordered Molten Lava Cake. Honestly it's the most fulfilling and the best cake in whole town.


After devouring on this delicious cake here I am writing my diary game before getting down to study again.

Thats it from my side guys. Hope you had a good read. Thank you.


I have powered up 100% of my rewards since the inauguration of #club5050 or I'd say even before that. T-minus two days and I'll officially be a part of #club100 as I last cashed out steem on 8th August. These past two months have been the real game changer for me as I was able to hit that Double Dolphin Position. Looking for that Triple Dolphin Spot by the end of 2021 as an official member of #club100.


That is more than 8500 steem powered up in 3 months and I believe thats a huge amount.
Thank you.

 3 years ago 

Thoraa parhloo..Bas zara saa

Hahahahaha... Titanic pose😂👍🏻

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