Thinking power means discovery

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE10 months ago

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim"

Hope everyone is doing well by Allah infinite grace.

My username is @hrebaka and I'm from Bangladesh.

Man is an animal which is more intelligent than all the others in the world. God has created man by making Ashraful creature which is known as the best creature of creation. Man has been using his thinking consciousness for many years. This thinking power has started from ancient times till now. Various inventions. People can have different thoughts either negative or positive. Generally positive thought energy creates something good and negative thought energy creates something bad. Not all are equal. One considers thought energy as a resource and does not waste it.

Many people waste it. Everything that has been discovered since the beginning of the world is the result of human thinking. Some people are very educated but they cannot use their thinking power and many people were not so educated but their invention techniques are extraordinary. Humans have created different things day by day with the power of thought, new methods have been invented. The judgment of good and bad is also the result of thinking. Even if a person is going to do something, he will think ten times whether it will be good or bad, whether it will be done or not, what people will say if he does it.


From thought consciousness another thing is formed which is known as humanity.n a bird is born, it becomes a bird, but when a baby is born as a human being, it does not become a human being, but it has to be developed as a human being through gradual testing. It has to show humanity, which is the result of thinking.


Since ancient times, people have invented various things by using thinking. In this era of information technology, wherever you look, people are making unprecedented discoveries. God develops people's intelligence gradually.

The more people engage in subjective thinking, the better their brain is. However, excessive thinking is also harmful to the body. Don't think too much. Considering different issues and different aspects, it can be said that the shape of the world has been slowly changed by the good thinking power of people.

Thank you to read my post

Best Regards

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