WSP Program Implementation UpdatesteemCreated with Sketch.


Taking two days off is not enough at all for me considering the time I spend out for work and work over again. I miss my family a lot, but I could not take my time with them. It is the consequence that I need to take when applying for the proper job in offshore operation

This is what keep me busy with things recently

And tomorrow morning I have to be at the shore base because another two weeks on duty are waiting for me to be executed.

I am so sorry for my fellow WSP team that keeping their hard work to implement the social community program in Indonesia, Venezuela, Nigeria, and other parts of the world

Recently, there are two programs active which is one in Indonesia and the other one in Venezuela the update is as below:

Education Center In Aceh-Indonesia

The third construction program in Aceh is the education center that is built in Tanjong Punti village, Madat district, East Aceh (Aceh Timur). This program has been initiated long ago with my personal support to@steemitcountry as the volunteer teacher in the free education center. The first support was focused on stationary and healthy food as it was also implemented in Venezuela. Lately, after the World Smile Project was officially established, hence the program is run under the World Smile Project budget source.
As of today, the construction of the free education center in East Aceh has reached about 15% since the concrete foundation has been constructed.
The latest (August 14, 2022) picture of the construction can be seen below:

The construction progress of the Free Education Center in East Aceh

The children are very happy to have the new study is constructing because they study on the porch of their teacher's home. I wish the construction of the building will finish soon and they can use it for study.

Training center in Venezuela has completely finished and the English Class is starting

As reported by @mariana4ve the training center for the Okmontalban project has completed completely supported by the WSP Venezuela. Mariana and I have discussed the program a long time ago, but the budget is a little bit high, hence the need to wait for completing the project, and finally, it has finished. Complete post is here

Here is some picture of the training center:

These pictures below are the English Class that has been started in Venezuela:

No word to express what you have done for those who need hands, your courage, hard work, dedication, patience, and all kind of support you have given. Million thanks to all of you, I remember when you guys started it with only little hope, but today you have created something beyond your imagination. Your great work will someday pay off. Special greeting for @mariana4ve and the super kids. Once again! Thank you very much!

To the Indonesian WSP team; thank you for keep supporting the WSP project all over the site, your dedication and hard work will one day pay off. I know exactly how was this little step we briefly took led us to the world of charity and finally we have had this community to support each other.

Million thanks to the steemit team who has supported the project endlessly. Steem has really made a better life for a lot of people, thank you @steemcurator01

Note to @mariana4ve: For the first payment for the English class, please contact @heriadi (leader of the WSP International Team) for support.

You all know, that the steem economic ecosystem is not good enough, and I encourage you to support the ecosystem by setting your 25% payout to @null and/or 100% powerup. It is to keep the stability of the steam in the worldwide market. Thank You

Best regard



 2 years ago 

Hola Nailul.

Lamento que tú trabajo te aleje de tus seres queridos y de poder mantenerte más cercano a las actividades del WSP. Pero entiendo perfectamente el tener que darle prioridad al sustento de la familia. Tienes un gran trabajo y eso también es una bendición. Espero que pronto puedas conseguir un equilibrio en tu vida y puedas disfrutar de las cosas que amas.

Me llena de ilusión ver cómo los 2 programas de alimentos con los que nació el WSP ahora están fuertes y pronto tendrán sedes propias. En Indonesia y Venezuela los niños tienen una gran oportunidad de aprendizaje y motivación para tener una Vida Mejor.

Te doy gracias por haber confiado en mí, desde el primer momento, has sido un ejemplo a seguir para mí, y siempre me siento comprometida a dar lo mejor en cada programa que ejecuto, estaré escribiendo a Heriadi en caso de necesitar el apoyo económico.

Saludos cordiales 😃

 2 years ago 

Hola mi amiga @mariana4ve, en realidad estoy lejos de ser digna de ser tu modelo a seguir. Sin embargo, cada uno de nosotros tiene sus propias deficiencias. Por ahora realmente me disculpo por la demora en responder a los eventos, informes importantes o simplemente responder a los comentarios con otros steemian. Sin embargo, esto no merma mi simpatía y cariño hacia ti y mis amiguitos de Montalbán. Por favor transmítales mis dulces saludos.

 2 years ago 

Con muchísimo gusto les daré tus saludos y afectos.


 2 years ago 

Bro I can use burnsteem25

 2 years ago 

Saludos amigo🤗en Montalbán se le quiere, una transformación para bien, se ha generado gracias a usted y su equipo.❤️Aquí hay personas llenas de gratitud por sus gestos de amor para nuestros niños. Bendiciones para usted✨🙏✨.

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