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RE: Contest | 25-Word-Comment - Monkey Business | A Message To A Friend - 12 Steem


Oh...I will write:

Dear friend, I know you will read this, so I call you this time and many more times to come. I am here waiting for you to tell me your story. I know you are awesome at storytelling, you can use your language. I don't care at all, because Papa Google will help me with the rest.

If you don't write, please read it and let me know you have read it. Should I mention you by name?, ok I will @ibesso, @wakeupkitty, @heriadi, @alee75, @irawandedy @brianwong.

And you, yes you, why do you stand there and watch behind the tree, come here, jump in, don't let Mama monkey steal your thought and give it to Bujang, he doesn't need one!

 3 months ago 

He....he....he.... Saya udah baca bang. 😁
Cerita yang cukup kocak bahkan ada pesan moral yang bisa di highlight.


Bujang: Bahhhh...aku tadi mak, dikejar pakai ketapel sama anak-anak kebun di bukit itu.

Ketika mengambil yang bukan milik kita, bersiap-siaplah untuk menerima "ketapel". Dan bila itu sudah terjadi, janganlah lebai atau playing victim. Itu sudah resiko jabatan... ! (itu kata mantan kepala dinas saya ketika saya menolak sebuah perintah/tanggung jawab yang sebenarnya bukanlah tupoksi saya).

Meunyo ureung Aceh kheun : Resiko peukaru umpung unoe, siap-siap Ulee keumong.

Bujang: Kan aku tak penah mandi sejak lahir makkkkkk. Mamakpun itu tak pernah mandi kecuali hujan. mamak pikir aku bebek apa?

Pesan moralnya, Jangan pernah men-judge orang lain, jika anda juga penuh dengan "noda". Salah-salah itu akan memukul balik diri anda.

Lebih banyak melakukan introspeksi adalah tindakan yang lebih bijak. Dan pastikan cara penyampaian terhadap sesuatu itu secara BAIK serta tidak menyinggung orang lain ataupun disampaikan dengan tendensius.

Bila kita berkata sesuatu, tetapi kita tidak mengerjakannya, maka dalam perspektif agama, kita tergolong dalam orang-orang munafik (Ayaatul munaafiku shalaashun...)

Meunyo i Leman Gampong lon peugah : Cakap tak serupa bikin... 🤣🤣

 3 months ago 

Senang sekali ada Anda untuk menerjemahkan dongeng ini.

Bergabunglah dan tulis pesan Anda kepada seorang teman. Apakah dia teman yang baik, kekasih yang setia, atau pengkhianat?

Monyet memiliki banyak sekali urusan yang harus diselesaikan.

 3 months ago (edited)

Dear Friend,

@el-nailul says that if you stay behind a tree mama monkey picks out your brain. Don't believe him, she won't. I know you are just shy and need time to step outside and be among people you don't know.

It's a long time ago we met and became pen friends. Back then I had my first online computer. We met in a chatbox and it was fun. How old fashioned it would look today.

You should know that once in a while I thought of you and lately more frequently. I tried to find you several times. They say it's a small world (afterall) but it turns out to be bigger than expected.

Back then we wrote letters with a pen on paper, today a text with 5 words in bad language is the trend and the most one can expect.
If there's a blackout again (the power swift off, no, not a lack of memory because brains are picked out by mama monkey ) this world will end a letter will never be written again.

Friend, you were an awesome writer, I hope you lived a good life.

Thank you for being my friend

@pousinha @sbamsoneu

 3 months ago 

Dear mama kitty

Remember the first time we met, I was wandering in the jungle and suddenly you appeared in front of me out of thin air. I was so shocked and wondered how you could do it, and gradually you considered me as a family member and you told me how to be able to show up out of thin air. Now I understand the trick.

The pen I borrowed from you is useful, and actually, that pen is a magic weapon to make the impossible possible and to make the dream come true. But once I used the pen to draw my dream and suddenly, I lost myself in the deep dream. When I woke up, I saw myself in the forest. Monkey everywhere and I saw a white duck talking to me and asking me to follow my dream to get out it the dream world. You once again helped me to find the door to get out, but you said I had the key to open the door.

Have a great day

 3 months ago 

That's a sweet and open letter and not even to a friend although it's always good to be yiur mom's best friend. 😉

So you took the pen, borrowing is asking first and taking after a 'yes' butbsince you know how to use it I like you to keep it togetherbwith the key yiu are free to go and stay where you love to be...

You saw a white duck! Did you catch it? If so someone will be very happy.

It's good to hear you know how to appearvand disappear out of thin air. Relax and try to enjoy what you do.

I hope you slept well, see you soon.


 3 months ago 

Today I tried to sleep more than 8 hours, and now I feel good refreshed, and I just want to relax, doing what I like to do, without any pressure on anything. Just enjoy what is left to be enjoyed. How about you ? I hope you can enjoy yours as well

 3 months ago 

It's hard for me to sleep for 8 hours or longer. It would be better if I had a nap at daytime but it's not in the culture or appropriate so I hang in till I wake up again while continuing working and if I go to bed I sleep like a rock.
If the house burns down I won't notice it but I hear it if my child whispers "are you awake". 🤔

There's always something to enjoy. The weather, the bed, laying stretched out, plums I pick, a happy jumpy dog, writing, silence, no one bothering me, water from the tap, an unexpected message, a great idea to work out, sweet dreams, good memories, goals set and making plans for...

I think once older time is more precious and I no longer want to waste it by lining up. I already hated it as a child and today I no longer do it. I leave or don't go.

It's hard to relax if you aren't used to it, I've always been a workaholic so it's good my phone slows me down by getting frozen if I handle 8 things at the same moment.

Try to relax and observe or look through the lense of your camera. Don't take anything for granted and enjoy if someone likes to do you good. It won't hurt and you deserve it as much as anyone else. A great Sunday/start of the week.



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Blackout and no more quality writing😂😂😂😂...mama monkey won the deal😂😂😂😂....let's improve quality writing, even online😂😂😂😂🤗🤗🤗🤗

 3 months ago 

Yes you can, you just need some more rest and relax your mind, and you will come up with fresher ideas later @pousinha

Thank you friend🤗

 3 months ago 

you are most welcome

 3 months ago 

Es necesario mejorar la calidad de la escritura, sobre todo acá, para que los piojos de la monita no nos caiga a todos los que medio escribimos bien, jeje.

Humor negro de mi parte, jajaja.


Now what a colourful smiling world you left behind as a message for a friend. 🤗
I am sure she, he, the entire group you always treat with kindness, appreciates this gesture.

I hope you slept well dear friend.

I'm trying, dear friend, I'm trying🤗❤️

I saw a very beautuful and colourful picture from you. It will make many happy for sure! I was touched by one of the last posts. Someone said he didn't know what to say, would make his excuses if what waa said is wrong but he needed some fun as he felt sad.

I replied and someone else did. Perhaps we can not help everyone with a bag of money but it helos if we can laugh and cry together.

There are really great people here so it's a way to be in the spotlights. I want that for you too because you are always kind to me.

I hope you can have a good nap later.

Thank you dear friend for your concern:
I just woke up from the afternoon nap, but I think I'll rekindle this nap because Saturday is my rest day🤗. When I finish to answer to all friends here, I'll return to sleep...and then, to study for my updating courses...

You can come back later or leave a video. I did :)

Dear friend, I'm overwhelmed by tasks. I'm going to sleep between 3 and 4 A.M. Unfortunately, the only video I have time to do, lately is for my weekly Spanish lesson...

I meant just post something you find on youtube to brighten up the comments. It's not that I made the little ponies one.
I come home at 7:30 and sleep few hours, next awake or if I can a few more till I leave

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