Steemit Engagement Challenge S5-W3: If Only



Growing up, there are some things I have done which on normal basic if I have realised the consequences that lies in doing those things earlier, I will not have do these things. When I am still young, one is quite innocent in the people you follow and many things. What you do, the way you hang out and the actions you take most of the time. It quite sadden me after many years.

After many years when you begin to see the side effect of the association you have keep in terms of the type of friend you have keep, the actions you have taken and the one you supposed to have taken which was procastinated. Procastination is not the murder of all plans but also the murder of all destiny and purpose making that person at the end of the day quite useless.

When I look back, there are some things I should have done early which I didn't and this is causing massive pain for me. There are some people I should have cut away from my life earlier if not I had know.

The regret is always painful. There are some people you remember that you meet and became friends with and you begin to question the day you become friends with that person, you begin to wonder why was I with that friend at that particular phase at a time. Not because of anything but because of the negativity they have brought to your life which has now been difficult to erase the effect



Some people come from a very good and well responsible family background but along the way, they missed it. Probably because of the Actions they take which might be prompted by the peer pressure they actually keep which has damaged their life.

Some people enter school been responsible but graduating with a shattered life. If only many of them have knew, they might not have took that actions, some might not have keep that friends that lead to their destruction and many more. If only they had know

Sometimes we remember our past and we are bittered at some things and wondered why some things we have done have affected greatly our present situation now. If only we have know.

Well that's why there is the future for us to correct our mistakes. Mistakes are bound to happen as that's the avenue in which we grow and develop in life and that's one of the major way people matured both in morals and in intellect. We learn from our mistakes to be more perfect and develop as day goes by. So when next you are pained about what you did in the past and it seems to make you been grieved, laugh over it and focus on the future been more positive and perfect than the past.

 2 years ago 

You are right, people do pick up some characters in school or by hanging around with friends and later on regret it a lot…all the best bro

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