My Favorite Board Games By Category.

Hello my good friends of Steemit I'm happy to be back here again for over few months now i haven't been active on this platform because of some health issues but all thanks to God I'm back here healthy i do love Steemit that's why i joined so let's get going on this contest.


What Is the name of the game?

I love playing lodu game that's my favorite game so far and it makes me happy anytime I'm playing it especially with my friends.

And the interesting thing about this ludo game is that it originated in India as a game called "Pachisi." And also the game was played by Indian kings and queens as far back as the 6th century since i was still a baby i do love playing ludo game with my siblings and friends and this ludo game was later modified and popularized in England in the late 19th century under the name "Ludo according to my research.

Why do you like it?

The reason why I like this particular game is because of the joy in it when i say the joy in it I mean when i play it with my friends or siblings I got so much excited i will just be feeling good and also they are some calculations in the game as well which also makes the game much more interesting.

It always makes my brain calm and I think very well trying to calculate how to win my opponent.

How often do you play it?

I almost play it every week when I'm done with my work I will now play with my friends and to be honest this is my favorite game i will even say that I'm an expert because to all my friends it's really hard for any of them to win me and anytime they trying to cheat me that's when i will become more wiser and still win them .

Do you like playing it alone or with friends? Online or Physical?

As i said I always play with friends ludo is not the type of game someone can play alone it has to be two or more people and i do it physically unfortunately I'm not the type that plays online games i do prefer physical games i think this the end of this post thanks for reading.

I invite @chinaza09 @roselove and @alli001.

Thanks to @goodybest .

 3 months ago 

untuk menggunakan tag club5050. anda harus melakukan power up


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 3 months ago 

Ludo is my favorite board game too, and I've been playing it since childhood. You're right when you said it helps us to be calculative, and mentally alert! I'm a pro too when it comes to this game, wonder who will win if we play together. Haha 😂 success!!!

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