
Sebaiknya Anda memeriksa teman perkebunan Anda! Berapa banyak pisang yang dimakan seekor monyet? Apakah dia akan merusak tempat itu atau hanya makan? Anda dapat meninggalkan jawaban Anda di sini.

You better check your plantation mate! How many bananas does 1 monkey eat? Will he wreck the place or just eat? You can leave your answer here.

@xiao-aine The monkey may not be able to eat the bananas in one day but because it has come to stay in the same compound were the plantation is, It has the ability to eat them in couple of days. Remember also that monkey has destructive tendency even if it cannot eat them.

That is ingeresting. So if it can't eat it he smashes around with the bananas and swings around in the trees?


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