Promoting Steemit to 500k Followers on Social Media - Weekly Report 05/06/2021 - Links Clicked: 1,226

in Steem Marketing3 years ago

Picture: Search Engine Journal

Hello #promo-steem community, it's me again Satriotomo (Indonesia) to report this week activities on promoting Steemit to my audience.

As stated on my post, I am an influencer with more than 500k followers accross several social media platforms.

I have quite a large followers on various social media platforms, such as Instagram (292k followers), Facebook (142k likes), Twitter (131k followers), and YouTube (14.6k subscribers). The total number surpassed 500k followers, and I want to bring them here to join Steemit. I know it is a long and tough road, so please help me through it.

The theme of my social media accounts is history, I share Indonesia historical videos on my accounts. As a result, nearly all my followers are Indonesian.

So, why does Indonesia matter for Steemit? Because the archipelago has 276 million population (fourth largest in the world), 73.7% of them are internet users, and the country has a significant economy size (rank 16th in the world). And the most interesting part is Indonesia has more investors on crypto market (4.2 million people) than on capital market (2 million people).

What I do is not some hard-selling campaign, rather I do soft-selling one by writing and sharing quality content on Steemit to the right audience.

Though I only make weekly post to report my work, in reality I work everyday to promote Steemit by writing Indonesian history articles on Steemit and promote them to my audience.

You can help me to run this campaign by writing Indonesian history articles and put them under #history tag, you may also put the link to your article under my posts. Each article selected will be rewarded with 10% of this weekly report payout.

The following is my report for this week (05/06/2021), this is my second report to the community. The screenshots proof will be shown at the end of this post.

TitleAuthorImpressionsLinks Clicked
Chinese Family Grocery Store, 1947@fotosedjarah24.3k224
Becak in Jakarta, 1971@fotosedjarah22k90
Financing the War of Indonesian Independence by Selling Opium@satriotomo26.4k511
Lahirnya Pancasila: Dari Pidato Soekarno Hingga Piagam Jakarta@satriotomo14.1k129
Soekarno in India, 1950@satriotomo17.9k160
When the Government Moved to Yogyakarta, 1946@satriotomo14.8k112

This is the result of my campaign this week, with 119.5k impressions and 1,226 traffic generated.

And below is the recap of my campaign so far.

WeekImpressionsLinks Clicked

This is the result of my campaign so far, with 251.4k impressions and 2,123 traffic generated.

I am happy with the result of my campaign and intend to continue this work, and I thank you for your support.

Have a nice weekend and STEEM ON!

PS: 10% of this post payout goes to to help the community account, and all reward from this post will be powered up immediately and will be delegated to community account that I support.

Attachments: Proof of Campaigns

Data I display on table above is from organic campaigns on Instagram and Facebook Story, and below is the screenshots of it. You can see the Stories for yourself on my Instagram profile, I highlight the Stories under HistoryOnSTEEM title.

A. Chinese Family Grocery Store, 1947

Instagram Story

Facebook Story

B. Becak in Jakarta, 1971

Instagram Story

Facebook Story

C. Financing the War of Indonesian Independence by Selling Opium

Instagram Story

Facebook Story

D. Lahirnya Pancasila: Dari Pidato Soekarno Hingga Piagam Jakarta

Instagram Story

Facebook Story

E. Soekarno in India, 1950

Instagram Story

Facebook Story

F. When the Government Moved to Yogyakarta, 1946

Instagram Story

Facebook Story

 3 years ago 

mantap, seperti yang sudah2 kami lakukan sebelumnya, kami juga pernah membuat mekanisme iklan seperti ini di media sosial. namun yang menjadi poin penting adalah bagaimana cara anda dapat menjangkau dan mengetahui berapa banyak yang sudah bergabung di ke steemit ?

tidak hanya data impresi ataupun jumlah click.
apakah anda punya solusinya ?

Sayang sekali, selama Steemit tidak memiliki sistem referral maka mustahil melakukan tracking terhadap traffic yang masuk.

 3 years ago 

hemp. iya sih
agak susah dengan ini , karena ini pernah di tanyakan sc01 kepada saya

Oh, gitu ya.

Berarti SC01 tidak mendukung campaign seperti ini?
Kalau memang tidak didukung akan saya stop saja, karena sangat melelahkan prosesnya. Selain bikin artikel di Steemit saya juga harus terus membuat konten di Instagram dan Facebook, membuat audiens tetap engaged.

Saya lihat di HIVE juga ada yang bikin campaign semacam ini dan mendapat support ribuan dollar untuk mendanainya.

 3 years ago 

bukan tidak didukung sih, cuma sc01 lebih concern untuk kita membuat cara lebih baik dan efisien lagi. karna saya pernah buat gini sampai 1 bulan penuh dengan 44k views cuma dpet 8 user baru bergabung, tapi saat saya buat kontes daily chat malah sampai 89 user baru bergabung. makanya saya hentikan sementara campaign

tapi kalo mau lanjut campaign nya gpp, lanjut aja, setidaknya itu ada efek juga

Okay, noted. Thank you, rie.

 3 years ago 

kalo boleh tahu , di hive orang2 gmna cara mreka lakukan promo ?
ada link post mreka atau link komunitas mereka ?

Bisa dilihat di sini

Total anggaran untuk 4 bulan hampir $100 ribu dan disetujui pembiayaannya oleh komunitas Hive. Diantaranya ada untuk bayar influencer juga ribuan dollar per bulan.

Karena itu lah saya menawarkan diri ke Steemit sebagai influencer, tapi nampaknya kurang sesuai dengan kebutuhan tim Steemit 😆

Sorry, we have to remove your label because PromoSteem Community has made a new initiative in labeling rules.

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