Active promotion of Steemit in social media

in Steem Marketing3 years ago

Steemit Promotion

This week I spent some extra time promoting steemit on social media. I did publish some advertisements in the Facebook groups where I believe we can find new users.

Facebook groups

Choosing the groups, I wanted to maximize the chance that somebody will join our portal, so obviously I didn't spam in the communities dedicated to horse riding or modern dance. Instead, I focused on three types of groups:

  • groups dedicated to cryptocurrency
  • groups with job offers, especially homestay job offers
  • groups for the writers and journalists

I have published 20 announcements in English, Spanish, and Polish, using the same text, which I am copying below and adding one of two graphics, I prepared a long time ago. I'm pretty sure you have seen it before, but as they work well, I don't see the reason to change them into something new.

"Join - the social media/blog which pays for your content.
Register for free and earn the money by writing the diary, publishing articles, participating in writing contests, sharing photos, and commenting on others' work.
You may also use the platform to promote your business - communities like SIZ and Steem Skillshare allow you to promote lessons online for STEEM. You could teach your language or any skills you want - you set the price and time when you want to do it.
If you are interested in it, the platform may teach you everything about cryptocurrencies and trading - visit Steemit Crypto Academy and choose the lessons based on your advance.
If you like high-quality publications and you are looking for some content to read, visit one of the mathematical communities. You will find here amazing recipes published on Steem Foods, sociological articles on Steem Geography, or publications from Female's perspective on Steem Women's Club.
Join our platform, meet the community from around the world, start earning in cryptocurrencies. At least give it a try - it's all for free, so why wouldn't you?
If you will have any questions - feel free to text me.

Graphics which I added includes:

Both graphics were obviously prepared by me in Canva and I was describing them wildly in my previous posts. I'm glad to have them with me and use them sometimes to promote steemit on the Internet. Obviously, both are shared with you on a CC-0 license, so feel free to download them and distribute them with my full permission.

The message and graphics were shared in 20 Facebook groups. That includes:

Groups with job offers

  • "Trabajo Rosario Avisos"
  • "praca dla ludzi poszukujących pracy"
  • "Legit Work from Home Jobs (PUBLIC)"
  • "Praca w Domu Przez Internet - Praca Zdalna / Praca Online / Zarabanie"
  • "work from home jobs for women's"
  • "Praca W Domu Przez Neta"
  • "Praca online"
  • "Work from Home🏠 Jobs without Investment"
  • "Trabajos Rosario"

Writers groups

  • "Content Writing & Copywriting Forum"
  • "Paid Writing Opportunities Hosted by Freedom With Writing"

Crypto groups

  • "Cryptocurrency Investing"
  • "Cryptocurrencies Tips"
  • "Earn Free Cryptocurrencies Online"

Polish target

As you can see, the majority of my publications include two groups - one of the Polish people, another of people who live in Rosario. Why is that?

I would like to create the Polish community on Steemit and even though right now the promotion is quite limited because due to pandemic restrictions I cannot leave Argentina and go to visit my motherland, I want to start the proper advertisement of Steemit there. I know that the task is rather difficult - Poles in most cases are choosing Hive instead of Steemit, but I believe that with the hard work creating the new community is possible.

Looking for Argentinian users

The second group targeted Argentinians, especially citizens of Rosario because I am here, I can help them directly, meet with them if it will be necessary, explain few things like I used to explain steemit to my friends before. The Argentinian community on Steemit is very poor. We have three CR's, own community, and huge economical crisis in the country so I'm surprised there are no more active users here.

I don't want to be rude, but using my right to the private opinion, I'd say it's because of the limited support in solving problems and promotion. Contacting on steemit or discord with CR's @fendit or especially @belenguerra, unfortunately, takes weeks. I experienced it twice: once when I had some questions before launching the "Steemit Weekly" project (in which, at the end of the day Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Venezuelan, and UK CRs helped me instead), another time recently when I was trying to resurrect LGBT community - it's the 12th day when I am waiting for the simple response... If I have such big problems with reaching them, I bet the same is with the new users who may feel lost in their first days on Steemit. Not getting any answer to their questions, obviously, they are becoming inactive after some time. I know I would if I didn't have a guide from more experienced users.

I didn't see any external promotion of steemit for Argentina, so I have decided to make my own promotion by sharing the news on social media and preparing the flyers with the graphics (it will be ready for Tuesday, I will be writing about the flyers campaign in my next week PromoSteem report). I plan also to announce some meetings once per month for all interested Rosarinos and make the training for them with the information on how to create the account, join steemit and become a successful blogger here.

Thank you for reading,


Beautiful one here!
Let's Steem to the moon.🚀🚀

I love your graphics though 😉

You state this as “constructive”, while all it seems is that you’re attacking us for no reason and with a lot of things that are not your business. Mind on your own work rather than talking about someone elses’, dear. It’s a lot more nourishing. Also, if you’ve got any concern regarding my work in this platform, you’re always welcome to read my reports and check out how much I contribute to Steemit.

It’s curious that you say that it’s hard to find me on discord, how could you know that if last time you wrote to me was three months ago? You can ask anyone in Writing & Reviews and you’ll see that: a) everyone has access to my discord, as I accept everyone as a friend and b) i reply to everyone. Also, does it sound logic to you to be available 24/7? I’m sorry if you’ve got no sense of personal life.

Also, what do you know about our work in Steem Arg? What do you know about a country’s culture when you’ve been here for so little? Us, argentinians, do not trust in things just because, which makes it hard to show people that Steemit is no sort of scam. But well, for all you’re stating, I assume you know my country better than I do, right?

As I said, you can improve your work with no need to talk bad about anyone. I’m willing and open to talk constructively whenever you want and in a polite way, as I have never been disrespectful to you.


 3 years ago (edited)

That message is just offensive and unadult. I am touched how rude it is , so I am not going to reply on it. There are some standards I am trying to keep and that certainly is much below them.

Finishing that offensive speech with the words "i have never been disrespectful" and "I am willing and open to talk constructively (...) and in a polite way" sounds like a cruel joke.

I will just kindly ask you what does "country representatives" mean? Where is the place in your work for those who you represent? and I will leave it (from before the edition) to review by @steemcurator01 as the example for the least friendly country representation I could ever expect.

Curious how you find my message “offensive” when it was you the one who came out of the blue critizing and attacking our work.

Hi dear @papi.mati, several times I've made reference to my trip and my difficulties to keep connected 24/7... I'm sorry but currently, I'm not available on Discord and I'm doing my best, it's a pitty that you can't see it.

The fact that you refer to me as CR from Argentina who is not available on Discord, is quite rude, since I am constantly present on Steemit, not only posting but also managing communities, contests and voting with steemcurator05.

I have left my country and am looking for work, currently doing a volunteer service.

Steemit is my priority but I have to sustain a nomadic life at the moment. I have made it clear in posts to @steemcurator01 and @steemitblog.

I am also making my Steemit contribution on this trip and all my tasks are reflected in my weekly and monthly reports.

As soon as I have time I will return with my presence on Discord. Currently in Discord I communicate for the tasks that I have to do.

Have a nice Sunday.

 3 years ago 

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, although I wanted to point out some things and I believe I had the right to do it. My point is not to make the enemies but to show my perspective on the reasons why the Argentinian community is so inactive on steemit.

I know you are traveling. You managed to text me on discord one hour after publishing this post though, while you couldn't do it for 12 days before. I was basically writing with the offer to take one responsibility out of your back, so it wouldn't be hard to send one file and short "ok" or, if you would prefer, just "sorry, I'm not interested".

Before you started your trip, contacting was also very limited.
Your discord profile allows to send you the message only if someone is your friend. Besides you and Fendit, no other CR account has those settings on. When I was trying to contact both of you as the new user, it was impossible for weeks, if not months. As the Newcomer, I was even tagging you in my comments and posts, hoping you will contact me. It didn't change until you wanted to contact me to make me a MOD - then you accepted my invitation immediately.

I'm just saying, and I believe you will agree with me, that reaching you is very difficult and if there is any newcomer from Argentina, if someone is confused and needs the guide, they won't rather get it from you. Neither now nor before your trip.

I do not say that you are not doing anything. I appreciate your work as the community admin and I respect all the efforts you put into steemit activities. Probably some of them I'm not even aware of, but I'm pretty sure you work very hard and doing a great job.

The only thing I was writing about was related to communication, I connect it with the subject I'm writing about - the number of active users from Argentina. In my mind, there is a clear correlation between those two areas.

I didn't write any post behind your back, I tagged you to let you know what is my perspective and get the information about yours. Constructive critique should never be treated as an attack, otherwise, there is no space for any improvement.

I planned to share my constructive critique, it's not anything personal and not the opinion about your whole work, but only one tiny part of it. I believe it can be just noted by you in a professional way (with no negative impact on private relations), no matter if you agree with it or not.

Have a great day!


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