"Diary PromoSteem [20/05/2021] the new sign up
Hello Steemians at PromoSteem greetings to you all especially @pojan and @njaywan. I would like to show how I promoted steemit at my area. For a couple of weeks ago I have been discussing steemit with a lot of comrades and today I sign up for @mumme at my work place together with some friends.
First I talk about the rules and tenets of steem, the advantages and disadvantages of it and how steemit have helped me. From the she agreed to be sign up where @bigsam did the sign up process.
She was so glad to have been signed up thanks to @Fortune182 who did the banner
@mumme and @bigsam
It was all joy for her.
Greetings to @njaywan and @pojan
and greetings to you all
Congratulation @bosheba1