"Let's talk!" №17 - "My best accommodation!" // "Давайте поговорим" №17 - "Мое лучшее жилье!"
Hello everyone, the favourite competition is back with you! Once again we invite you to discuss family themes, this time the theme of home.
In Russia, they say, with a sweetheart in the shack, but is it really so? What do you think is the best place for you to live? Maybe it was your first home? I, for example, kissed the walls there after buying my own 12 square metres. And that's despite having neighbours and a shared toilet! I wouldn't say it was the best place to live, but it was one of my favourites for sure! If only because it was my own place!
So, we invite you to discuss the best place you've ever lived in! Maybe it was a hotel when you were travelling? Or your own dacha that you've been building for years? Write about it in the comments!
The competition will run for a week and the results will be announced on 14 July after 18:00 UTC. The authors of the top three comments will each receive 1 Steem.
Good luck and have a nice day!
Всем привет! Любимый конкурс снова с вами! Мы в очередной раз приглашаем вас обсудить семейные темы, на этот раз - тема дома.
В России говорят, с милым рай и в шалаше, но так ли это на самом деле? Какое свое жилье вы считаете самым лучшим? Может быть, это было первое жилье? Я, например, после покупки собственных 12 квадратных метров стены там целовала. И это несмотря на наличие соседей и совместный туалет! Не скажу, что это было лучшим жильем, но одним из самых любимых точно! Хотя бы потому, что это было собственное жилье!
Итак, мы предлагаем вас обсудить тему лучшего жилья в вашей жизни! Может быть, это была гостиница в путешествиях? Или собственная дача, которую вы строили несколько лет? Напишите об этом в комментариях!
Конкурс продлится неделю, итоги подведем 14 июля после 18:00 UTC. Авторы трех лучших комментариев получат по 1 Steem.
Всем удачи и хорошего дня!
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Я все квартиры, где мне довелось жить, вспоминаю с очень тёплыми чувствами! А вот загородные дома - тут не так однозначно:))) Раньше ванна в загородном доме считалась роскошью, да и водопровод тоже, поэтому очень много сил уходило на быт.
Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.
Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.
Home 🏡 is always sweet home. I live in my married place. It was just a empty house was seems to be like a guest house. With love and take time of 4 years I made it home to live in peaceful and hygenic environment with my kids and husband.
Transcorp Hilton Abuja.

Back home in Lagos, Nigeria.
I and my family took a little vacation to My country capital Abuja, at the prestigious Transcorp Hilton to relax for the holidays,these was around December the ending of the year 2018.
And if I may add it is by far the nicest place I have stayed, paying around $100(then 48000 naira)a night for me and my family at the penny suits.
We stayed a total of 10 days, enjoying by the pool side,tasting different dishes and interacting with other visitors. This truly was a relaxed and comfortable environment for the whole family.
If you ever have the chance, please do visit Transcorp Hilton Abuja, Nigeria.
У меня немного цыганская жизнь и в ней было много квартир своих и съемных, были гостиницы. Какое-то жилье было убогим, какое-то красивым, какое-то удобным....разное оно было. Но душа все-таки рвется в родительский дом. Он мне милее всего!
Home sweet home they call it is a best place to stay. Having your own personal building is a thing of joy instead of living in someone's else's house because you won't be that comfortable except you are financially stable enough to pay house rents. This is my best Accommodation so far. My house is a three bedroom flat with three toilets, a big palor, a dinning room and kitchen even store for keeping things. I've lived in this house for 5 good years since 2014 and although it's not furnished with beautiful things, it's yet to. Staying in a house owned by you is very much comfortable because you can do as you like without restrictions. You can change certain old things you don't need in the house etc.... I just love my accommodation because it the best for me. My room is equally spacious and other rooms too. The way the compound is reminds me of a place I went to...