CONTEST "Photo hunt!" Week #1 - Catch up with the bug!
Hello, friends! Since the publication of the post, I declare a photo hunt for insects! You need to take a picture of a beetle, spider, butterfly, grasshopper, ladybug or other insect! You can also use archive photos! (After all, this is also a photo hunt, no matter when it was held.)
The terms of the competition are quite simple:
- Post a photo in the community @SteemFamily.
- Add a brief description of when and where the photo was taken, who is depicted on it (any number of words, the main thing is without plagiarism).
- Put tag #photohunt and tag of your country.
- Make a repost of this contest to your page.
- Post the main picture and a link to your post in the comments.
You can use one or more photos, but there can only be one post!
The authors of the five best works will receive 3 steem each.
The contest will last until Sunday, 23:59 Moscow time. We will sum up the results on July 5! I invite @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02 and @steemcurator06 to support the contest and the participants!
Dates: 27.06.2021 - 04.07.2021.
Get out your cameras! Have a good photo hunt for everyone!
Saluuudos Steemians!! Por aquí mi entrada:
Aquí mi entrada a este concurso. Abrazos:

This contest has been included in the daily Active Contest Listing
👉 Contest Alerts: Active Contest List on 28th June 2021 – Win 2300+ STEEM
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@greatketty моё участие в конкурсе:
Hi @greatketty, this is my entry
My entry
Интересный конкурс! Надеюсь, не разовый?!)))
Спасибо!) Конкурс не разовый, но тематика будет меняться, так что успейте принять участие и зафиксировать букашек-таракашек:)
Жучки, паучки и бабочки, слетайтесь, сползайтесь)))
Да... Наполним Steemit живыми существами всех мастей)