
in SteemFamilylast year

Hunting, like blacksmithing and fishing, are professions that have been with the people since time immemorial. Before the gun, which serves as the major tool of hunters is handed down to the one who wants to ply this trade, he is taken through special initiation processes. Before the title of a hunter is conferred upon him, he should be able to walk a hunter's trail, pick the scent of game and sounds made by nibbling grasscutters but above all, be able to aim and shoot at prey with precision, from calculated and at times unimaginable distances. The initiation of a hunter serves a key part of successes he will chalk in the course of hunting.

Among the Ewes of Northern Volta, hunters are well revered and respected because of the role they played in securing family and community land back in the days. The farther they extend their hunting territories in the quest for game, the more they lay claim to virgin forests. In community folktales, hunters are heroes for their bravery.
Overcoming the terrors that come with night and dangers posed by certain animals capable of maiming and killing instantly is no easy feat.

Hunting is often carried out at night and before a hunter sets off for the bush, he consults his personal and household gods in the shrine. He asks for protection and a bountiful harvest. Sacrifices could be made to appease the gods in order to ensure a good kill and also to avert any disaster that might befall him. Upon his return, he thanks them befittingly no matter the outcome of the hunt.

A hunter carries a sack-like bag strapped across his shoulder which is not only meant for carrying game but also serves as a backup since it contains herbs, medicines and charms meant for protection against serpents and evil spirits. Knives, bullets and other accessories that will make his work easier are also found.
Hunting methods include setting of traps and snares, the use of dogs to sniff and chase animals but hunting with the gun is the most prevalent.

It requires stealth and cautious movements since the senses of animals are that sharp. Any sound or unfamiliar smell from the hunter will make him lose the game. Footwear, pomade and sprays are prohibited in the course of hunting. A headlamp is worn to illuminate the path and also serves as a spotlight.

Spirituality plays a vital role in the life of hunters. It is believed that some hunters, who upon their search for game all night and couldn't find any, hang their bags on trees and shoot at them like a deer and truly they'll bring something home. Such animals are not consumed by the hunter or his household but sold out.
Some hunters with expertise in traps do know when their traps catch a game. Even in their sleep at home. This is not a feat of art but spirituality.

In case a hunter kills a game which cannot fit into his sac-like bag, he cuts vital parts, the ear and tail especially before heading home to call for assistance. These parts are cut because should another hunter lay claim to it without these parts missing, there's nothing to show the former was the rightful killer. A proof will be needed to counter that claim.
In case a hunter kills another hunter without knowing, he comes home with a green leaf tight-lipped to announce the unfortunate incident.

Game trophies do not only consist of jaws, horns and skulls of wild animals. A part of it also consists of small calabash gourds with contents found in the stomach of animals.
Herbs eaten by some of these wild animals which serve medicinal purposes are also discovered. These discoveries are kept in the shrine and forms an important part of his spiritual life.

Hunting as a profession to caste families cannot be ignored. In the death of a father or grandfather, someone from the family must be initiated to take the reins of what his predecessors have left behind but the consequences are sometimes dire when no one is willing to toe that path.


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