/The diray game betarlife /22/2022 Saturday

in SteemFamily3 years ago

The diary game

Assalamu Alaikum I hope you are all well yesterday I will share with you through the diary how I enjoyed the day.


After waking up in the morning, I wash my hands and face and go out to exercise for a while. Then I come and have breakfast. After breakfast I go to the pond for work.



My elder brother called me to dig a hole in the ground and take me around the pond. I started working there and worked hard for 6 hours from morning till noon.

I completed the park work there in a very beautiful way. I like to work a lot. I love to work continuously no matter how hard it is.


After giving the call to prayer, I took a bath and went to the mosque to perform the Friday prayers. After that I listened to the Imam's statement.

The cooking will be very beautiful. I came and served it. It was very beautiful for many days.

After eating, I fell asleep for this at noon. If I can't sleep, my body gets a little bad.


I came out in the afternoon and spent some time with my younger brothers. I bought ripe bananas and ate them. He wanted to stay with me.

I can't always give time because I spend some time with them whenever I have time in between work. I enjoy spending time with my family.

After spending some time with my younger brother, I went to spend some time with my friends.

If I can make my family and friends happy then I am very happy. Everyone should be happy in this way in the space of work.


I bought Singara from a nice time shop. After spending time with everyone, I started watching TV. After watching TV, I watched TV till 9 pm, then I ate and drank. To take the idea.

While working on the phone, I fell asleep at around 11:30 pm leaving the phone

Here are the days I spent all day yesterday. Next time, I will present my diary to Steam Family again. If I have made any mistake in this diary, you must forgive me. I will appear among you with more beautiful photography. Assalamu Alaikum.

 3 years ago 

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 3 years ago 

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