Cryptocurrency volatility, crypto traders volatility and the 24/7 crypto life
Cryptocurrency volatility, crypto traders volatility and the 24/7 crypto life
Hello Everyone,
I read a post by @tarazkp today and it gave me cause to pause and think...
Crypto is 24/7 otherwise known as crypto exchanges are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Cryptocurrency is extremely volatile, swings in value for Bitcoin, of 20-30 percent are the norm...quite emotionally challenging, but it happens...a lot Does this mean crypto attracts volatile people? Or Does this mean crypto makes people volatile?
Crypto traders buy tokens and join tribes, sometimes forsaking all others for their coin and Tribe. Do Crypto traders become joiners? Or does crypto attract joiners?
I think these are thoughts I have also, about crypto. It’s volatile and the people in it can become volatile also, with their emotions changing quickly from joking to angry and from disappointment to despair.
As for crypto being on 24 hours a day, it’s like good news and bad news. You can trade any time it’s convent for you, but you can worry 24/7 and be consumed 24/7 also... it’s a double edged sword.
Bull, Bear or consolidation.
Who knows?
Many May claim to have the wisdom to discern the answer... but I suspect in reality many are just guessing and others are just hopeful....
Bitcoin, Hive, Leo, Cub, ETH, XRP...
We love our crypto, we love our tribalism, we hate our competition... why?
Are not these just instruments to achieve a higher purpose? Do we not all share a goal of financial self-sufficiency and the desire to belong to something bigger then ourselves?
Does not our participation in this current revolution fulfill that second higher purpose, and can our blind allegiance to one crypto hinder our ability to achieve the first higher purpose?
Where is our focus on our goals?
Why do we allow distraction from the two most important goals above?
I don’t know.
If I did I would be more successful I think.
Many books I read about successful people list their singular focus as one of their most important traits and reason for their success.
Perhaps that’s it, like the nose on your face or the gorilla in the room, the answer is there but we choose to ignore it, because addressing it is scary... perhaps because we can’t do it... and acknowledging it is like acknowledging defeat.
Hmmmmm...those are my random thoughts.
What do you think?
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