Pure value of LGT tokens increased to 0.96 steem per token. 17+ times of upvote SP weight that you delegated.

Due to low distribution of LGT tokens, the pure value of LGT token has been increased significantly from 0.93 to 0.96 steem per token.

As I have described below, you can ask to swap your LGT token into steem from 1st of Sept.

Official announcement,you will get 1 steem for 1 LGT tokens from 1st of Sept 2020.

If you delegate SP to @gopower, then you will get LGT tokens with 18% APR but no @gotogether Upvotes. But If you stake them, you will receive daily steem dividend as well as @gotogether daily upvotes.

If you are a SP delegator to @gotogether or @gopower, and if you post Leofinance.io in Hive platform, then you can ask put you in my voting lists via comments. I have more than 140k Leo Power.

If you are a SP delegator to @gotogether, then your post is entitled to get a daily upvote from @gotogether. But as you know, mishaps might happen due to posting twice in less than 20 hours, or system errors.

Whenever you found that your post hasn’t got upvoted, doesn’t matter how old they are, just add a comment on @gotogether post, then I will go and look at your post for manual upvotes within 24 hours. Don’t have to leave the link, because I will go through your last 7 posts to check if the upvotes casted right.

Delegate your SP to @gotogether and enjoy daily 100% upvote weight at least 16 times bigger SP than you delegated, and Others!

I am so pleased to announce @gotogether project’s new policy that is supporting SP delegators.

Here are what you will get when you delegate your SP to @gotogether. Let’s say you delegate 1000 SP to @gotogether.

a. You will get a daily upvote with 16+ times bigger weight than the SP size you delegated. (1000 SP delegation means at least 16000 SP 100% weight upvote)

b. If you(sp delegator) want, you can add a comment on @gotogether postings, and if you post or the future Blurt and Zapata(if they are able to launch their main net successfully), you are eligible to receive a daily upvote (8 upvotes a week max) with the weight 3 times bigger than the size of your delegated SP). If you make posts on those 2 sites, you can have all upvotes from the 2 sites listed above. But as you might know, Blurt and Zapata have not yet launched and don’t know if they will have hive.vote or steemauto site. Until then, I will do manual upvote just randomly.

c. But keep in mind that the other sites upvotes support is just a bonus. It means if @gotogether’s SP reaches around 3 million SP, then the late SP delegator might not able to get the support. As you know the current size of SP @gotogether operates is just over 1.2 million SP.

d. I have family accounts with quite big power on Leofinance and sportstalk tribes. You can also ask upvote support if you are SP delegator to @gotogether.

e. If you have bought LGT tokens and staked, then the total size of your SP delegation to @gotogether would be = Your delegated SP + Your Staked LGT tokens X 1.1(due to the current standard token price 1.1 steem per one)

f. Let’s say you have delegated 1000 SP and staked 1000 tokens, then your total size of your SP delegation is 2100 SP.

g. After 1st of September, you are eligible to convert your staked LGT tokens into Steem with the price of pure value of the tokens.

h. What is the pure value of the tokens? As you know @gotogether account has its own 281000+ SP and @gopower has 28000+ SP. Their powers are accumulated from the token purchase, curation profit, and sometimes @gotogether self-upvotes. The figure of the total staked LGT tokens are 330000+. So the pure value of the 1 LGT token is a little over 0.92 steem per token currently.

i. If you’d like to convert your tokens into Steem, you can send them to @gotogether and ask to convert into steem via comments. Admin will start power down and send steem ASAP. I would say it will take a week, but if there are too many requests, it will take up to 4 weeks to convert your LGT tokens. Currently it is worth at least 0.92 steem per token. The most important thing is the convert service will start from 1st of September (I think the pure value per token will be over at least 1 steem each then).

j. If you are LGT token staker, you would already know the daily steem rewards dividend. If @gotogether operates 1,200,000, then the daily dividend pool would be 120 steem a day, if it reaches 2,000,000, then the daily dividend pool would be 200 steem a day. So you are eligible to receive daily steem dividend based on the ratio of your staked LGT tokens out of total.

What if you have another account, which does not make a post and want to have LGT tokens?

If so, please delegate your SP to @gopower, not to @gotogether, then you will get daily LGT token with 18% APR. You can sell them or stake them to your posting account for bigger size upvotes. This will be automated.

Feel free to ask any question via comments, then you will get answer within 24 hours.

[Delegate 1000 SP]
[Delegate 2000 SP]
[Delegate 3000 SP]
[Delegate 4000 SP]
[Delegate 5000 SP]
[Delegate 6000 SP]
[Delegate 7000 SP]
[Delegate 8000 SP]
[Delegate 9000 SP]
[Delegate 10000 SP]

[Delegate 20000 SP ]
[Delegate 30000 SP]
[Delegate 50000 SP]
[Delegate 100000 SP]


6월 30일부터 LGT token 배당이 안되고 있는 것 같습니다.
확인부탁드립니다. 스파위임량은 변함이 없습니다.

공지를 오래전에 드렸는데, 이제는 스파위임 중심으로 가면서, 보팅을 지원하고, 대신 LGT 토큰 배당은 지원안합니다. 다만 기존처럼 토큰분배만 받고 싶으실 경우 @gotogether계정에서 위임을 철회하시고, @gopower 계정으로 위임하시면, 기존과 같이 토큰을 분배 받으시며, 정책변경에 따른 위임 회수기간 손해 부분은 보상해 드리고 있습니다. 감사합니다.

투게더님 현재 leo보팅이 설정이 잘되어 있는것으로 알고 있습니다. 헌데 무슨일인지 며칠전 부터 @skymin계정이 작성한 포스팅이 leo에서 차단이 된 듯 합니다.몇번의 테스트를 해봤지만 IP가 아닌 계정이 차단이 되어진듯 해서 혹시 가능 하다면 현재 설정된 @skymin이 아닌 @skysung로 이전이 가능 하면 @skysung으로 leo 토큰 설정 부탁드립니다. 이 계정은 저의 부계정입니다. 감사합니다.

예 설정했습니다. 고생이 많으십니다.

부계정입니다. 이번에는 토큰구매안하고 스팀으로 임대했습니다. 보팅+토큰아닌 스팀으로만 받고싶습니다.

안녕하세요. 솔직히 어떻게 원하시는 건지 잘 모르겠어요. 지금 님께서 @gotogether로 스파를 위임하셔서, 보팅을 받게 되구요. 그런데.. 보팅+토큰이 아니고 스팀으로만 받는다는 말씀을 제가 잘 이해가 안되네요.ㅎㅎ 다시 한 번 공지내용을 확인하시는 것이 좋겠습니다. 감사합니다.

Would you please add myself on the LEO post support?
I just did one post.

Yes. I have just set your account on my voting list, 2 upvotes per day, 8 upvotes per week Max. The upvoting account starts with @me....Thanks.

Thank you very much :)

If I buy LGT tokens is there a Minimum amount of SP I need to delegate to @gopower to receive the 18% APR and upvotes from @gopower?

On the other hand if I delegate to @gotogether is there a minimum SP delegation there as well.



  1. If you delegate your SP to @gopower, then, you will get LGT tokens daily with 18%APR. That's it.

  2. However, if you stake LGT tokens, then you will get upvote from @gotogether and @gopower based on your ratio of your staked tokens from total. Plus daily steem rewards(currently 16% APR more or less). But the way to earn LGT tokens is only delegating SP to @gopower, or need to buy Steem-engine market.

  3. If you are only a token staker(read above 2.) or a SP delegator to @gotogether or both, then
    you receive daily upvote from @gotogether, @gopower, 140k power Leo(by requests), Blurt and Zapata Upvotes as big as 5 times of SP delegations( not launched yet though). 50k Zzan power upvotes, etc..

  4. Minimum SP is around 20 SP to get an upvote(0.01% around), but it will be increased or decreased by the total SP delegation size.

I hope this reply make sense to you. Good day!

Hi I just delegated 100SP to @gotogether! I also just staked 4.55 LGT tokens to @gotogether.....
I think I needed to stake the LGT to myself, let me know if this can be changed if needed Thanks!!!
This is my last post
I staked an additional 4.5 LGT correctly, not sure if you can fix the first stake that I believe was incorrectly staked.... Thanks!

Hi. Thanks for the delegation. And apology for late reply. Instead I have sent 5 tokens to your account. I hope you stake the token to get upvote. If you make another same mistake then, I will resend 10. Just a joke. Have a good day!

Thank you so much for sending the 5 tokens, I will go stake them now!😀

I just delegated 100SP to @gotogether Thanks!!!! My last post is....

I also just staked 4.87 LGT tokens.

Thanks for your delegation. And you don't have to leave your post link here, since you will get upvote daily. To get daily upvote there should be 20 hours gap between the posts. But whatever reason, whenever you found your posts haven't got upvote, then just leave brief comment here. I will go through your posts. Have a good day!

Thank You so much, have a wonderful day!😀

안녕하세요. 오랜만에 글을 남깁니다.
하이브에서 보팅이 오지 않는 것 같습니다. 확인 부탁 드립니다.

안녕하세요? 제가 둘러보니. 지난 7일까지 포스팅 전부에 총 8번 보팅이 되었습니다. 잘 동작하는 것 같은데.. 7일에 최대 8보팅이니.. 참고하시구요. 즐거운 하루 되시길..

아 그렇군요. 일 단위라고 생각하고 주 단위로 확인을 못했네요. 확인 감사합니다. 요즘 하이브에서 다운보팅이 심해져서 영향이 있나 생각을 했었습니다.

항상 수고가 많으십니다. ^^


해당 포스팅 보팅 부탁드립니다. ^^
즐거운 한주 되세요!!

예 감사합니다. 다녀왔습니다.

I'm trying to do the delegation but I get this mistake. Can someone help me?☹️

Captura de Pantalla 20200713 a las 8.44.54.png

Hi @mballesteros, Sorry I don't know why the error message is showing. The tool I am using normally to delegate SP, https://steemworld.org/ or posting app..

  1. go to : steempeak.com
  2. login
  3. then go to wallet page :
  4. You can delegate from https://steempeak.com/@mballesteros/transfers

Other than, you might need to wait to fill your SP to 100% around, if you want to delegate your SP Max. Thanks.

Hi Gotogether Thank you for your prompt response. I already delegated 200 sp. thanks!

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