legal terms and meanings - General terms - Basic understanding of Common Legal Words
When working alongside a company’s lawyers, counsel may introduce a legal term or concept during a meeting that, supported their legal training, is “common” to them. That same term, however, could be foreign to the typical industry professional. Imagine how much easier and efficient it would be, for both the individual and for counsel, if both parties could speak the same language.
By learning common legal terms, you'll execute your professional duties confidently in your own expertise. While earning a complicated degree in legal studies is a method to enhance your legal knowledge, here are some common legal terms for non-lawyers during a sort of industries to help you get a head start:
Meanings of Legal Terms:
- Assent - agreement to something.
- Attestation - signing a document in the presence of witnesses to show that signature is genuine.
- Contractual - "according to a contract".
- Contractual liability - "legal responsibility for something as stated in a contract:"
- Breach of contract - "breaking the terms of the contract".
- Coercion - forcing someone by pressure to do some act and enter into a contract.
- Case' law - The body of knowledge and precedent established over time, by judicial decisions made regarding the interpretation of law in particular cases.
- Damages - Money which is recoverable by court action by someone suffering a loss or injury resulting from breach of con- tract.
- To fulfil contractual obligations - "to do what the par- ties have agreed to do in a contract".
- Decree – The formal order passed by a court on a suit. In certain cases, the court first passes a preliminary decree, which may be followed by a final decree.
- Accept - "to take something which is being offered or to say "yes", to agree to something".
- Acceptance - "one party agrees to what is proposed by the other party". Acceptance of an offer means agreeing to an offer and therefore, entering into a contract.
- Offer - statement by one party to a contract that he proposes to do something or the signification by one-person to another of his willingness to enter into a contract with him on certain terms.
- Legal relations - "It is an obligation imposed by-law, which is not a friendly, moral, social, religious, domestic obligation, etc."
- Aggrieved - party who has been damaged' or harmed by an- other party's actions.
- Cost - Expenses involved in a Court Case, which can be awarded by the judge to the party which wins (so that the losing party pays the expenses for both sides).
- Deem - to believe or consider.
- Liability: The condition of one who is subject to duty which may be judicially enforced.
- Acquiesce - To give silent or passive assent.
- Abinitio - from the beginning.
- Section - A numbered paragraph in a statute; it may be di- vided into subsections.
- Rescind - To cancel.
- Assignee - Person who receives legal transfer of a right or property.
- Tainted - a corrupt condition.
- Moral Turpitude - anything done contrary to justice, honesty, modesty or good morals.
- Bonafide - honest and sincere.
- Contravention - Act of breaking or going against a law. (28) Rule - general order of conduct which says how things should be done.
- Regulations - Laws or rules made by ministers, which then have to be submitted to parliament for approval.
- Law - rule by which a country is governed and activities of people and organizations controlled.
- Liquidated damages - A specific amount which is calculated as the loss suffered or It is a predetermined amount that has to be paid by a party who breaks a contract. The amount or method to arrive at a figure is mentioned in the contract. Such amount has to be close approximation of the losses incurred.
- Unliquidated damages - Damages which are not for a fixed amount of money but are awarded by a court as a matter of discretion.
- Enact - To make' a law.
- Repeal - abolishing a law so that it is no longer valid.
- Tort - Civil wrong done by one person to another and entitling the victim to claim damages.
- Public Policy - General good of all the people.
- Suit - A civil legal proceeding or a court-case.
- Specific Performance - a court order to a party to carry out his obligation in a contract cause of Action - Bindle of facts which are essential for plaintiff to prove
- Injunction - Court order compelling some. one to stop doing something or hot to do something.
- Estoppel - rule of law by which a person is prevented from denying or asserting a fact in legal proceedings.
- Doctrine - General principle of law
- Fiduciary - Acting as a trustee or being in a position of trust.
- Fine - Money paid as punishment because something wrong is done.
- Forfeit - taking something away as punishment.
- Fraud - Harming a person by obtaining property from him after making him believe something which is not true.
- Goodfaith - general honesty, in an honest way.
- Good Title - Title to a property which gives the owner full rights of ownership.
- Ad-idem - in agreement.
- Implied - Which is presumed to exist or which can be established by evidence.
- Lawful/Lawfully - Acting within the law.
- Legal - According to the law or allowed by law.
- Lien - legal right to hold someone's goods and keep them until amount is paid.
- Lieu - instead of.
- Maxim - Short phrase which formulates a legal principle.
- Connive - a person is aware of what is going on, turns a blind eye and does nothing about it.
- "For the time being" means at the moment or existing position.
- "Period of limitation" means the period of year-s, months or.days prescribed by law, imposing limitation. -
- "Cause of action" - Bundle of facts which are essential for plantiff to prove.