One last time , we have one last try !
Everytime i have fallen i have got back up again and we all have that one last time for the one last try for every different thing we fall for.
We have reason to get back and if you can find the reason you will get back up again and again until you reach your one last time.
A father is tired but still working and earning for his family late night. He keeps on telling himself about his kids , his wife , his parents and everyone who he lives for.
They all are his strength and they all give him the power to go and go and go again and again pushing his limits.
Don't worry , you don't have to be a father for pushing yourself to your limits. Just find your alternative , your reason , and you will do it.
Believe me that even if you don't have any reason and you are not living for anyone then also you can stand up again and do it.
You know how , because you atleast live for yourself and if you are really the only reason for yourself then you need no one else to get back.
Your dreams , your goals , your happiness is not so cheap that you shall give up on easily. But instead they are the most expensive things for you and you should do anything you can to save them.
One last time we have that one last try so just do it.
Thank you