Series of Activities to Enliven Bireuen Regency's Anniversary.

in Steem Schools15 hours ago


Acting (Pj) Regent of Bireuen, Jalaluddin, S.H., M.M opened a preparatory meeting for the 25th Anniversary of Bireuen Regency, at the Bireuen Regency Government Oproom, Friday (27/9/2024).

At the meeting, Jalaluddin invited all SKPK to enliven Bireuen Regency's Anniversary which is commemorated on October 12.

"Let's celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Bireuen Regency in 2024 as lively as possible and full of gratitude, by exploring all the potential that exists in this regency," said Jalaluddin.

The series of activities to Commemorate the 25th Anniversary of Bireuen Regency in 2024 will begin on October 3, 2024 with the implementation of a blood donation activity which will take place at the Bireuen Regency Government Headquarters. This activity is expected to be attended by all levels of society.

Then, on October 4, 2024, there will be a gotong royong with all ASN of Bireuen Regency Government at RTH Cot Gapu which will be used as the peak location for the commemoration of Bireuen's 25th Anniversary.

On October 6, 2024, a fun walk will be held for the entire community of Bireuen Regency. In this activity, the government has prepared 10,000 free coupons for people who take part in the fun walk which can later be exchanged for attractive prizes.

The peak of the commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of Bireuen Regency, a ceremony will be held at RTH Cot Gapu Bireuen on Saturday, October 12, 2024.

The ceremony will be attended by all elements of the Bireuen Regency Forkopimda, Heads of SKPK, sub-district heads, keuchik from 609 villages and 75 imum mukim in Bireuen Regency as well as Vertical Agencies and ASN.

Then on October 12-13, 2024, the Bireuen Regency Government will hold a Village Craft Exhibition from 17 Districts in Bireuen Regency. In addition, it will also be enlivened by student art performances from a number of schools in Bireuen Regency.

Acting Regent of Bireuen Jalaluddin again reminded and invited all Heads of SKPK to devote all their efforts and sincerity to the commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of Bireuen Regency.




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