Preservation Of The Planet : Animals In Extinction

in Steem Schools9 months ago

Edited In Canva

Once an animal goes extinct, it disappears from the surface of the earth. No one can recreate it in it's exact form, it is gone! Take for example Dinosaurs, There are reports that it once existing on earth, and archeologists have supported this claim after the uncovered the skeletal remains of an animal predicted to be a Dinosaur. Apart from the Dinosaurs, there are other animals that have gone extinct and they include the Western Black Rhinoceros which was declared extinct in 2011 due to poaching, Northern Rhinoceros which we only have just two remaining on the entire surface of the earth making them functionally extinct. An9ther one is Quagga which is a subspecie of Zebra, it was last seen in the 19th century and since then until today, not even one is seen again all over the globe.

In this our time, over 40,000 variety of animals are on the verge of disappearing from the surface of earth just like the Dinosaurs, why? Because of climate change! Now am sure you understand why climate change is a very important and is always discussed all over the world. it is simply altered weather patterns, rising temperatures and disrupted ecosystems that affect any animal's ability to survive. Aside from climate change, other causes of extinction include habitat loss which is due to Rapid urbanization, deforestation, and agricultural expansions that destroys and drives away different species of animals from their natural habitats. Another one is poaching, poaching is one of the major factor that contributes to extinctions of animals it is the illegal wildlife trade which is driven by the demand for Ivory, exotic pets and Rhino horns. It is the major cause of extinction of the African elephants. Others include pollution (water & air) and Human-Wildlife conflict.


Image Source - Pixabay

The Mountain Gorilla, African wild dog, Pangolin, Grey's Zebra, Ethiopian Wolf, African elephants are just a few examples of animals that are really close to extinction. Individually, we can support government efforts to preserve these endangered species of animals in different ways which include but not limited to, Supporting conservation organizations like WWF who work to protect these species, reporting illegal wildlife trade and poaching to local authorities or other relevant agencies. Avoid buying products made from endangered species, promote sustainable land use and reforestation efforts to protect natural habitats, educate the locals on why it is important to preserve and protect this wildlife.

Say No to poaching, Say No to deforestation, avoid Activities that are harmful moo the environment and causes climate change. With collective efforts, we can reverse the trend of extinction and safeguard these incredible species for the future generations.

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