Personal motivation in the classroom for academic performance by @maqbool12.
Personal motivation in the classroom for academic performance.
Greetings to all readers of this great platform, in this opportunity I want to share with you a perspective on education, and the importance of motivation in the classroom, in order to encourage students to improve their academic performance, it is a great possibility that teachers have, when performing their academic work, as well as professional quality in terms of student performance.
To enter a little in context it is necessary to take into consideration that there are many teachers who never take the task of encouraging a student, and when I speak of encouraging does not mean that they should have a party for a grade, or give an expensive gift to that person, the power to encourage a student can be of many forms, and there are teachers who prefer to be indifferent to the students.
When teachers learn to gain the trust of students, is better performance by students, and when this happens we do not mean that it is a person that students will do what they want without the teacher to react, as the moments that touches to be strong and put a firm hand can be applied, and avoid disorder in the classroom, but gaining the trust of students.
By generating this zone of trust, students feel able to be an integral part of the classes, as well as to show their opinions knowing that the times they are wrong they will have an explanation with the correct definition of what was raised in class, without receiving bad answers or offenses from the teacher, this being an incentive for students who can improve performance.
On the other hand, when the corresponding evaluations are made, incentivizing those who have the best grades simply with a gesture of congratulating the one who does well, this motivates the students to compete among themselves in a healthy way, which generates a healthy competition among them, and this improves the collective performance of the classroom.
This being a reality that can be achieved, simply by implementing a classroom where students feel at ease, can greatly increase academic performance, despite being a teacher with motivation does not mean easy, but you achieve very good academic results over time, and that is what I consider as personal motivation in the classroom.