Today I Want You to Think About All That You Are Instead of All That You Are Not

in Steem Schools8 months ago

Hi there! Just a little nudge (okay, maybe a little excitement) today to take a moment and change your attention. Yes, I'm talking about that sneaky habit we all have: focused on what we're not. Let's change the subject and talk about everything that makes us who we are. Don't worry—this isn't just another fluffy "feel-good" speech. It's about retraining our brains to value how complicated and powerful we are. Get your favorite warm drink ready, and let's start!

How to Fall for the "Not Enough" Trap
Yes, we've all been there. That voice in our heads that tells us we're not good enough, smart enough, skilled enough, or something else. It sounds like a broken record, but all the songs are sad. The way we think about this doesn't just dim our inner light; it covers it up like a blanket. However, here's the catch: what if we turn down that sound and play a different song? Someone who loves our quirks, skills, and everything in between?

The Wonderful Things About You: A Party
Now, I'm not telling you to ignore places where you can improve. It's all part of the process. Let's even things out, though. Think about your skills, your interests, and what makes you special. You might be the friend who can make anyone laugh, the coworker who always has a good idea, or the neighbor who always knows when someone needs help. All of these traits? They're nice.

Things that really happen in the science of positivity
Okay, I said I'd add some science, and now I have: this is supported by positive psychology. Putting our attention on our skills and good qualities has been shown to make us happier, more resilient, and even more successful. Our brains start to make new, good patterns when we focus on what we bring to the table. It's kind of like mental gymnastics, but we're working on our thanks and self-appreciation instead of jumps and tumbles.

Real-Life Magic: The Stories of People Like Us
I'd like to tell you a story. Let's call my friend Alex. Alex always felt like her sister was more successful than her. But things started to change when she started to focus on her strengths, like how caring she was, how creative she was, and how great she was at baking. Her confidence went up, and she found new ways to shine. For example, she opened a small bakery that's now the talk of the town. We can find doors we didn't even know were there when we change our attention.

Keep an eye on the ripple effect as it grows.
It spreads (in the best way possible) when you start accepting everything about yourself. People in your area will notice the difference. When someone smiles at you in the street, you have to smile back. This good mood starts with you and spreads to your family, friends, and even strangers. Think about what would happen if we all took a moment to recognize how awesome we are.

Your Personal Toolkit: Useful Tips to Accept How Awesome You Are
Okay, enough of this small talk. Let's do something useful. To start focusing on all that you are, do these things:

Writing down a few things about yourself that you're thankful for every day is a healthy habit. It could be how funny you are, how well you can listen, or even how well you can find the best jokes.

Strengths Assessment: To find out what your best skills are, take a strengths assessment test. You can find a lot of free ones online. What you discover might shock you.

Claim group: Get your friends or family together and start a claim group. You can give and receive compliments about the things you like about each other in a fun way.

Reflection Time: Schedule some time every week to think about what you've done well, no matter how small. Had a party after fixing that broken faucet? Good job!

To sum up, you are a marvel.
As we say goodbye to this nice chat, I want you to remember one thing: you are amazing. You're great just the way you are, and that's something to be proud of. Turn up your "I am awesome" music the next time that "not enough" voice starts to whisper. Because, friend, you make the world a better place just the way you are.

Now, go shine your own unique light. Everyone is ready.


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