DPAS A System That Will Change The Whole Blockchain...

in Steem Schools4 years ago
Life is a challenge that gives us lessons, we grow when we walk through mistakes. Everyone wants to create a strong and powerful social network on Blockchain, soon the DPAS system will bring a revolution and evolution in blockchain systems. A few years passed as one day, each day was a special experience that cannot be forgotten. The belief, expectation and hope that Steem will become bigger and better than Facebook have become a dominant thought that has never subsided in the hearts of loyal users. Discipline, knowledge and dedicated actions are becoming a habit that raises us to a greater level of success, projects and applications have opened the way to new heights. Negative failures, mistakes and downfalls have brought new knowledge that frees us from the chains of failure, now the path to stars and financial independence is free from obstacles. Donations, upvotes and the position of the whale bring a new order of power in the development of winning change, powerful users stimulate creative applications and ideas that become the new diamond mines. Users get decision power, development is left to those who have imagination, those who are hyperactive and creative. Everything will change with new projects rising from the ashes as Fenix, a new force of powerful investors and developers arrives. Now we all know what was wrong and what was good, we need to reward active users instead of rejecting them. New projects and new applications will bring big changes, I expect a big business wave that will set us on the right path.


Many times I see that creative people do not get rewards for their innovations, non-creative people take ideas and implement new projects. In business, everyone should be respected, now is the time to build a new and powerful system. The constant struggle between different groups of people brings fresh ideas, the competition becomes a challenge to move forward. Material interests, vanity and ego set the boundaries that break in the communication of sincere visions, the night becomes a day with the sun illuminating the paths of brave entrepreneurs. Changes set new goals, obstacles become obstacles that lead us to abundance, users have a sense of victory in the world of investment and action. Steem is powerful and he can be reborn in a new and stronger business dimension.

We are all part of the future, we need to believe and respect other people's talents and knowledge. There are no untouchable entities, there is no one who can hide behind someone else's success or failure, the community becomes the dominant factor of progress. The micro economy is becoming a macro plan of global Steemization, we are opening the gates to a future where there is no poverty of ideas and money. There are different success stories, customer experiences are the most valuable legacy that is passed on to the next generation of blockchain lovers. Now is the time to change everything, first we don’t need negative energies and people who have destructive thoughts. There are not many people left on Steem, but there are still people who have the honour and desire to make big and positive changes.


We need to look ahead to the future, we need to learn from the past and not let bad people rule the system. Lack of confidence and fear become the biggest enemies of our success, there is no failure except in our head. I saw many people who had an average idea, an average business but their result was top notch. The secret is that these people were dedicated to the goal, persistent, and never took excuses for results. When I get up I know exactly what to do, I have a plan and a list of my daily activities. There is no exception, there is no excuse that will prevent me from taking action, to finish the job. We have a responsibility, a duty and an obligation to do great things right now when it is most needed.

Promise only when you are sure you can fulfil, do the right things that are useful for all users. You can't make a big story with empty stories, we are part of a blogging platform that rewards us for a good post, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to get people to recognize the quality in our work. It costs nothing more than laziness, sits down and starts working on positive habits of success. This is a time that has never been better for success, we have an abundance of offers, applications and coins that can fill our pockets with money. Steem is a realistic idea, a project that has the foundations on which you can build your dreams, begin to achieve your goals. Now it will be seen who is a really strong leader, who has a pure heart and who has the knowledge and strength to change things.


Steem has made the gates for the future of blockchain, now is the time to do more and attract millions of new users. We don't have time for negativity, we don't want to waste energy on tricks and low-budget stories. We are a real story that will put the user in the centre of attention, that will give users the power to change their lives for the better. HIVE did not give airdrop to Steem investors, 83 million is really a lot of money, at the moment it is over 16 million dollars. We must not allow people to play with us, to play with our lives. People who have been destroying Steem for a long time and entire societies are now presenting themselves as saviours in the new Steem - HIVE system. HIVE is just a pale copy of true community, decentralization and democracy. Steem is a force that will show its power in the coming weeks, you will see how Steem grows and how new users have enthusiasm.


The original post was written by @dobartim
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Free Image Source: pixabay.com

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