If you can do something in life then you are successful

in Steem Schools3 years ago

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There is no satisfaction in being known by the identity of another. If you do not know your identity. Anyone can go with the credit of others but how many can go with their own credit.

Standing next to someone and taking a picture will only make you feel better in a few moments or you will be able to show someone the picture later and tell them that I am taking a picture with him. Nothing more than that no one will applaud you for this.

If you can grow up with your own identity, it will work to feel good about yourself. There is no success in taking credit from others. If you can do something good yourself, you will enjoy it.

Will always try to be known by his own identity. Don't try to show credit to others but you will try to take yourself to that kind of success.

Written By- Alvin Wales


Best post

This post puts me in a thinking mood of being relevant at all times. If i can do something then i can be successful. Indeed its a motivation. I remember vividly a passage in the Bible Ecclesiastes 9:10, which says, "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest." Thanks for this piece.

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