Thephrasl verb is Take a Hike
Take a Hike
Meaning. Usage: To tell someone to go away in a negative way
Explanation: This is a negative way of telling someone to go away, but not as bad as "f**k off." This can be used when you hear something that upsets you and you want to make sure the other person knows you are upset.
Some examplesexplain the phrasal verb
1- He asked for my phone number and I told him to take a hike.
2- He said he would only give me $200 for my car so I told him to take a hike.
3- Take a hike, I am not interested.
The conversation Of phrasal verb.
A- So I hear you tried to sell your car?
B- Yes, I had a few people look at it.
A- Did anyone make you an offer?
B- Yes, one guy offered me $200 and I told him to take a hike.
Other Common Sentences
1-Get out of here.
2-Go away.