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RE: Commenting - waste of time

Obviously it's necessary to pick your battles, but you shouldn't pour the baby out with the bathwater. I'll spare you additional platitudes, but for me writing comments is more than just fishing for replies. It's an extension of my creative self-expression and overall good exercise. Not only in terms of the technical aspects of writing, but in terms of the way I think.

Could be dropping pebbles into a bottemless pit and listening for a bang, unsure, but I figure you shouldn't preoccupy yourself with high expectations. Don't get me wrong, recognition is nice (and I'm grateful for it), nevertheless I'm trying to be stoic about it. Anything but that is driving me insane and so I just stay true to myself, rather than trying to please everybody. I'm not indifferent, just... time managing the battles in my own head. I guess.

Wasting time is a legitimate concern, but then I'd say mini-maxing your output has its own issues. Like posting a million cat images (I like them actually), about as much as dropping unsolicited essays everywhere. The latter being my personal malfunction :-).


Thanks Kitty!

 6 months ago 

you are welcome and I love your comment, only 250 more replies to check.
no comment I should try for a week.
A great weekend, I stop by again, and keep writing, Know you make me laugh and I enjoy reading you.

At least somebody does :-)

 6 months ago 

yes, here I am again.. how is your weekend?

Oh, pretty decent actually. Ate some spaghetti, did some yardwork, took a shower. Exciting stuff. Fall seems to be kicking in, but summer had a last hurrah with a little bit of sunshine. So I won't complain.

 6 months ago 

The weather isn't that great here. Rain, rain and rain and I had to search for winter clothes. So far the warming up of Earth the Summer has been extremely short, perhaps it's time to emigrate to
Did you harvest all the tomatoes? I only have walnuts, the wolves already started eating them.

See you soon.. still trying to work myself through the notifications. Too busy tomorrow perhaps I should click that button and let it be.

Not yet. Harvested what must've been about half a kg today and left about the same amount hanging (if not more). Was hoping they would gain a little more color, but they tasted just fine. Was a surprise anyhow, because I was cheaping out on the soil and then the plants caught some kind of fungus infection.

Having walnuts sounds nice, wolves not so much. Will need some new winter clothes eventually as well. The cycle continues I reckon.

Busy busy, keep on doing the good work, Kitty! :-)

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