The soul

in R2cornell4 years ago



Many of us have heard, many times this term and even tend to use it, but we certainly do not know what the soul is.

For this humble servant it is the energy that is found in us, which was created in the image and likeness of the father, this is born as a divine embryo and through time and accumulated experiences, in this school called life is growing and maturing, to finally meet the energy that he conceived.

This essence is found in the vehicle called the body in the pituitary gland, which is located at the crown of the head, there is the seventh chakra. Our soul is found in the physical vehicle, while we are awake and when we sleep it leaves the physical vehicle, it moves in an astral vehicle. The soul can leave and enter the body as many times as it wants, since it is united to it by the cord of life, which is spoken of in the famous Greek mythology; this cord is broken when the individual dies.

The soul in a certain way is eternal, since it was conceived for it, although we can also say that it can be subjected to death or what they call the lake of fire, because it can enter a phase of self-destruction, where there is no light or learning, for the growth of the same. These are the so-called demons, beings that have subjected their souls to darkness, in such a way that it becomes impossible to redeem them.

That is why I tell you that we are all given the opportunity to have our soul rise but it is our free will, whether we do it or not, if we want to reach eternity, we must love our neighbor as ourselves and the Father in every part of his creation and this is achieved by destroying the evil egos that are in our being.


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