How to grow your lentil sprouts for salads, Chinese rice, or whatever you want!

in R2cornell4 years ago


How to sprout lentils to make chinese rice use it as a salad or whatever you want?

These days we want to teach you how to grow at home,in a simple way, those sprouts that we eat in restaurants cost Well now we will explain how to do it at home in a simple way, do not worry is very easy and the results are fabulous



You need to select a container where they are going to put the amount of lentils they want to prepare, in my case use half a package (1/2 Kg).

Water is added until they are completely covered, allowing them to exceed about a finger of water on them. Then they are left undisturbed for 24 hours, when that happens they will be inflated, they take a strainer and strain the water, after draining them they put it back in the container and leave it there, if you like they put a damp cloth on it above and another below, they are covered and from time to time a small amount of water is sprinkled on them so that they have a place to suck and continue growing.


Depending on how much you want the shoots to grow, they are left for 4 to 7 days like this. It is important to remember that the longer the shoots are allowed to grow, the more bitter they will taste.


And you can make wild rice, arepas, chinese rice, use it salad dressing, sandwich, what you like.

There are recipes where they even make cheese with the sprouts, the truth is that lentils are a super food.


¡See you soon!

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