My #1 Entry in Monomad Challenge

in R2cornell3 years ago

Hello Everyone☺☺☺

It's my 1st entry for this #monomad challenge by @monochromes. As I have read its capturing photo with a #BlackandWhite theme.


And so for this entry of mine I have here with me my "pamangkins" or cousins to the 4th from my mother and father sides. Both of their parents are our cousins. From their mother was cousin of our mother. From their father was cousin of our father. It's somewhat like a 2 in 1 cousins. Anyway this was taken also from my cousins homes. Its a 4th birthday of that little girl. I was so closed with this 2 little kids. They call me "Tato" or Uncle in english. Because as you all know Im a lesbian. And I am not shy of being one. So thats it the story of my first Entry here in #blackandwhite by @monochromes . I hope this entry of mine was right. If not feel free to let me know so that I can correct it. Your observation and telling me what it was is so much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

>>### Keep Fighting and Believing for God is good all the Time😚😚😚

Thank you and God Bless. Take Care always!!!

truly yours,


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