in OPEN THE WORLD3 years ago

Hello great ones, good afternoon all

Its been a long time, my phone got spoilt and for months I haven't been here

That's by the way, now am glad to be here,

Today I woke up by 5:34, said my prayers and then came out and brush my teeth, after which I warm the food in kitchen.

After that I came out to go get breakfast, immediately I came back home it started raining
When I came home, I made breakfast


After breakfast, I then magange to wash some of my dirty clothes,


after that I took my books to do my assignment


I read till 3:45, I then decided to rest for a while, before you could know it I slept off
Only to wake up in the evening

I hurried to the kitchen and prepared dinner for the family , took my bath and then retired for the day

Thanks for reading through


Thank you for sharing your diary post @giftb it was pleasant to read.
Isnt that economics you are studying?
you must be a student of history

You had quite a day @giftb I hope the rains allows your clothes dry?

For where,it didn't my dear

Wow you had a great day. I hope your assignment will be graded higher too. Thanks for sharing

Amen oh, thanks alot

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