The Dairy Game ||Better Life ||10/03/2022
Assalam o Alaikum
Starting with the great names of Allah the most beneficent , the most merciful. I start my diary with the great name of Allah.
Like every day I woke up at 6am. And then I wen to the washroom and performed ablution to pray and then I offered fajar prayers. After praying, I recited and then fell asleep agian.After that I woke up at 10am. And then I went to the washroom and brushed my teeth and washed my hands and face.Then I went to the kitchen and made breakfast for everyone. After preparing the breakfast, I spread dasterkhwan and put breakfast on it and called everyone .
After eating I kept all the dishes in the kitchen and then I washed the dishes.After washing the dishes I filled water cooler and put ice in the water. After that I kept my mobile on charging. After that I used my mobile. And watched drama.I went to the washroom for ablution to pray and then I offered zhr prayers. Then i made biryani.
After that i ate lunch.
After that i used mobile 📱.After that I fell asleep for a while.After sleeping I woke up at 5pm. And then I went to the washroom for ablution to pray and then I offered asr prayers. After praying I went to the kitchen and made tea for myself.
After drinking tea I went to my cousin house. Then my cousin I went out and we had dinner.
After dinner then i return home. After that I went to the washroom and performed ablution to pray and then I prayed isha prayers. After praying I wrote my diary. And then I fell asleep.
Everyone Good Night
Thank you
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Greetings friend! a very long and prayerful day, the food looks delicious and apparently it is cultural because in my nation it is not well known. I recommend you to comply with the 300 words in your publication so that it becomes a 100% quality post, I also motivate you to justify the text to give it beauty, here is a publication that will help you: