RE: The Diary Game: ||18/05/2024|| Brianna Mariya Mustapha's (Delivery Story)
Congratulations to you aunty! 🥳🥳🥳
I will say nothing about your jumping advice and the rest but if that midwife had broke the water for real she would have been in labour immediately. Just a bit is not enough more like a crack and the water will be refilled.
I would have stayed at home. No way you get me hopping, drinking, dancing, with a guy trying to keep me active into a car to hospital.
What women in labour need is to relax. It makes it easier so shower, better a hot tub, footmasaage, no eating, and biting the hand of the man is good too 🤭
I understand why she didn't want your brother around.
The little princess is beautiful and I love her names.
I hope the mom will take her rest and has time to recover without health issues.
Thanks for sharing the beautiful photo. With you I hope she has a beautiful life filled with love. 🍀❤️
Bitting the hand of the man🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that is one way or saying, msn you brought me here. The dancing and exercise actually helped her, just glad they are both good cos the wait was a stressful one
LOL you wil be surprised how many bite. 🤣🤣🤣 must be to stop the need of screaming.
Not me by the way.
The lady living above me told me not to make any sound if I was in labour. I obeyed.
It's not common to scream here, you might disturb the neighbours 😐, it upsets the partner, the midwife will tell you to stop the drama so it's not done.
Good to hear they both are doing well. Enjoy being an aunt.