"Is there age anxiety in your country?"

Hello steemians,
I'm @ibraheem75 From Nigeria, I'm so delighted to participate on this wonderful contest organized by @boylikegirl.club in this wonderful community.


The concept Anxiety

Anxiety refers to as emotional state of mind usually characterized by feelings of worry, apprehension, nervousness and fear that are persistent and overwhelming from time to time.

It can also be seen as a natural human response to stress, uncertainty, or feeling's of threats. however, excessive anxiety can interfere with daily life among humans.

Some Common symptoms of anxiety are:

Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
Physical tension (muscle strain, tightness
Sleep disturbances (insomnia or excessive sleep)
Persistent worry or fear
Rapid heartbeat, palpitations, or tremors
Sweating, trembling, or tension
Nausea, abdominal discomfort, or headaches
Intrusive thoughts

Perhaps some of the Causes of anxiety include:
Life experiences (trauma, stress)
Medical conditions
Personality traits
Environmental factors (work, relationships, finances)

Now back to the questions "Is there age anxiety in your country?"


Yes, age anxiety is present in Nigeria (in fact everywhere in my country), and probably like in many other countries. Age anxiety can practically manifest in various forms, both young and old.

Now In the case of a young adult below anxiety can be found in our youth today:

  • Pressure in times of looking for admission into the university
  • Pressure when it comes to securing a Job in the country or anywhere
  • Pressure to marry or settle down early in other to avoid old age
  • High expectations from family, girlfriends and society. These and many more has been subject to be discussed amongst the young people in my country.

Bellow are some of anxiety among the Midlife adult in my country Nigeria today:


  • Feeling left behind
  • Career stagnation or uncertainty, especially you don't know how long the job at hand would last or achieving your career goals
  • Financial stress and responsibilities
  • Health concerns and aging parents, constant health complications 😭, these and many more.

Old age anxiety some of the following can be found in them:*

  • Fear of death
  • Financial insecurity and pension concerns, sometimes pensions don't usually comes in time and that has become a major issues among the old one's
  • Health issues and declining physical abilities, body becomes weak and not even responding to some treatment as well
  • Social isolation and loneliness etc.


However, base on statistics, in 2020, a critical survey by the Nigerian National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on issues related to anxiety, suggested that, 40% of Nigerians aged 18-35 experienced anxiety due to financial constraints, 30% of respondents aged 36-55 cited health concerns as a significant source of anxiety then 23% of those aged 56 and above reported feeling anxious about financial insecurity.

One of the important thing is that, age anxiety can be managed one's the right support and resources are available. Thus, the government of Nigeria and beyond are to ensure there are available of such resources so as to tackle the rate of age anxiety in our world today.

Thank you all for stopping by to read through my blog 🙏.


Best regards @ibraheem75.

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