Rain And More Rain!...... ☔️ ...... NW Cascade Wanderings

We’ve had rain ☔️ and lots of it! The deluge continued today as we awoke to the rain beating down upon the skylight over the bed this morning. I would describe it as a very ‘peppery’ rain.

I left to go to ladies Bible study, which was an awesome study veering away from worship and into original sin. We had the largest attendance today of 12 ladies, that I’ve seen in a long, long time. Iron sharpens iron!

Once home, because of the rain, I suggested an outing to the Dollar (plus) Tree, just to see what’s new as we’ve not gone there in quite some time. Then we went to Starbucks.

I did something I didn’t ever think I would do, but I rejected both of the coffees I ordered. They were tepid at best even though I’d ordered ‘extra hot’. The barista, Hope, was very nice about it. I explained that we like our coffees really, really hot and these just weren’t. She was happy to remake them. She said the machine was programmed automatically to 171 degrees. I like my coffee at 200 degrees. She said that we can order with a degree specific number at which point I told her about the other barista who said we couldn’t. Hope did make the second round correctly and I let her know that I appreciated her efforts. So next time we go, I’m going to order degree specific coffees and hope that I am not told I can’t. I would have to ask, which way is it as I’ve been getting conflicting answers. 🙄☕️

Afterwords, we set out for Lynden City Park, which is where the creek is bursting as you can see from the first photo. I’m estimating it to be about 8’ or more deep knowing the lay of the creek bed there.

I found this cute little guy foraging for his dinner.

Water droplets clinging everywhere!

You hear me talk about the river levels a lot. The Nooksack River is somewhat notorious for flooding. Just search it for the flood of 2021 and you will find some amazing footage of that flood on YouTube. Here’s a screenshot of the NOAA website where I monitor it when we get rains like we have. Flood stage is 83’ but the dike has been known to be breached when it’s close to flood stage.

It can be scary simply because if I’m at work, I can be cut off from being able to get home. I have 3 escape routes-2 which involve trying out beat where the water is headed. The other is about a 50 mile drive which still requires me to cross the river. I’m hoping I’m never at work if it happens again.

In the park, there is an old tree. Take a look at just how big it really is as @silvertop stood beside it for perspective.

Driving home, we got a bit of a reprieve from the rain as is often the case in early evening, as the sun burst through the clouds displaying it in all its glory!

That’s gonna be it for today. Tomorrow brings the start of my workweek and I’m suspecting my coworker will be late again by an hour or so. 🙄I’m also hoping she remembers she is working as we are still dealing with an altered schedule until the other lady gets back from her month long vacation. When is mine, I wonder? 🧐🤔 Take care and enjoy the rest of your day wherever you are! 🙏🌎🙏


NLT Psalm 40:1-3

I waited patiently for the LORD to help me,
and he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
out of the mud and the mire.
He set my feet on solid ground
and steadied me as I walked along.
He has given me a new song to sing,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see what he has done and be amazed.
They will put their trust in the LORD.

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH

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