I Love My Body / shadow punches and arm circle

Wishing all my fitness-loving friends in the Steemit community a very pleasant day and a big welcome to all adept readers of my blog. I appreciate all your contributions, which add colour to my blog.

This week, the challenge is still on aerobic exercises, but this time, we shall engage in some form of shadow boxing and arm circling.

The program for this week is aimed at developing our cardiovascular system while strengthening the deltoid muscles in the shoulder and more.

Without any more waste of time, let's take a dive into what week two has for us.

Week two task one: shadow punching


Shadow punching, which is also known as shadowboxing, is a training technique used to fire up the cardiovascular system while developing and improving hand-eye coordination for various martial arts, including boxing, karate, and taekwondo. Shadow punching can improve a person's overall speed, agility, and reaction time. However, for this exercise, we are more interested in its effects on our cardiovascular endurance and stamina when combined with good footwork.


To correctly execute this program, I started with basic punches, practice throwing of jabs, hooks, and uppercuts throws.

Once this is done well enough, you can now incorporate footwork like shuffling, bobbing, and weaving while you are still throwing the punches.

Shadow punching instructions for the week

Carry out shadow punching or boxing on the 3 sides of the body: up, down and sides. The target for the week is 100 punches on each sides. Please spread these throughout the week.
Then, do a video, showing your punches as follows:

Forward, sides and upwards 40 punches on each sidesRest for 10 seconds Repeat the number on each sides without editing the video

Week two task two: arm circling

The arm circling workout, though its looks simple, is an effective aerobic workout that can be done by anyone, anywhere, without the need for equipment or assistance.

Engaging in arm circling improves cardiovascular health by raising my heart rate and increasing blood flow and circulation. This exercise helps my hand move to a greater range of motion.


To correctly execute this program, choose a comfortable standing or sitting position with both feet shoulder-width apart.
You can now extend your arms straight out to the sides at shoulder height. Then circle your arms. Remember to keep your arms straight and your shoulders relaxed.

Arm circling instructions for the week

Carry out arm circle both clockwise and anticlockwise

Clockwise and anticlockwise 40 circles each rest for 10 seconds repeat same without editing the video


At the end of the program, what are the overall feelings, and where did you feel the pains the most?

At the end of this program, I felt a little breathless and sweaty. The air intake through my nostrils was not enough, so I used my mouth to assist. At this point, my heart was racing like a Usain Bolt, and my muscles were telling me something really serious took place.

Some muscles, like the deltoids, which are responsible for shoulder flexion, extension, and rotation, were the primary muscles that got flexed. I also felt tension on my biceps brachii, triceps brachii, trapezius and rhomboid muscles with a little around my belly.

Do you think shadow boxing and arm circle are good for you and will you recommend it for others?

Yes, I think shadow boxing and arm circle are a good form of exercise capable of activating our cardiovascular system and lots of other muscles in the body.
It increases heart rate and blood flow, toning and strengthening muscles in the hands and shoulder region. At the same time, it helps us cope with the stress and anxiety we all face.

For these reasons, yes, I would recommend shadowboxing and arm circling as a form of exercise. More recommended than actual boxing. It is simple and requires no equipment or assistance.

Thank you for organising this workout. I will recommend it and spend a few minutes each day practising shadow boxing and arm circling as a sure way to appreciate and thank my body for expressing my love for me.

I am inviting @ruthjoe, @bela90 and @josepha to participate in this learning challenge.


Thanks for the verification

You did amazingly well my friend. I did this exercise I wanted to cry that arm circling is killing. You may look at it to be simple but as you ride on you will understand. I don't know if there are people that can do 100 count 😜 at a stretch.

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