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RE: Is the Bitcoin network really secure?
Hello, thanks for contributing to this community.
We appreciate your initiative, but Only all active community founder, admins, moderators, developers, CR, SR, investors of this platform can post here.
Your post is too short, you can add detailed explanations and include reference sources because it will be a more actual and factual reading source.
It's good if you also tidy up the writing style.
Please read this post,for knowing more details about this community rules and guidelines :
Have a nice day !
Hola con su debido respeto la publicación tiene(328) letras sin incluir el saludo inicial , ni el saludo de culminación. según las reglas el mínimo de palabras esta comprendido de 250 a 300 como mínimo , y mi publicación cumple con el mínimo requerido.
Hello, with all due respect, the publication has (328) letters, not including the initial greeting, nor the final greeting. According to the rules, the minimum number of words is between 250 and 300 minimum, and my post meets the minimum required.
I publish with permission @rme DaDa founders through their @hungry-griffin account, I have supported the community constantly since it started in this community in the first 2 months and I have been promoting steemit through all social networks to attract entrepreneurs and manage to invest large capitals of money, and with more force by twister.