Application For The Month Communities Support Program | NASI Community.

in NASI Community4 years ago


Hi Steemit Team, first of all we say hello and thank you for creating the latest program initiated by @steemitblog with "The Month Community Support Program" which is a new and premium project to support the careers of every community on the Steemit platform. This is absolutely brilliant. And we hope that with this program, we really hope that our community, NASI Community, can get good support from the Steemit Team, to stimulate active users both old and new to explore our community. And we really hope that there will be significant new changes for the continuation of the NASI Community journey on the Steemit platform.

This post, addressed to @steemitblog / Steemit Team, dear.

Community Goals.

  • What is the purpose of your community?
    First, the NASI Community is a community that is engaged in accommodating all original and original articles/works from every steemians who have the talent to share their best works about publishing nature around their respective countries, and the flow of art that has a wide scope for artists who have talent in painting, photography, fine arts, sculpture, and can publish anything as long as it is related to art. The NASI community also accommodates active users in publishing their work on short story writing and writing about inspiration; whether it's inspiration that comes from characters in films, novels, and cartoon characters, artists, and even world figures who they consider as their own source of inspiration. Steemian will be able to explore this community with four basic elements in the NASI corridor that are in accordance with the meaning and meaning of the word NASI, namely: Nature, Art, Short Stories, Inspiration.
    Second, this community aims to consistently build a network of original article writers based on the meaning of NASI mentioned above, which exist all over the world and in whatever country they are in. The main goal of the NASI community is to build a network of writers (steemians) from various countries who actively promote Steemit such as Venezuela, Italy, Japan, India, Bangladesh, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and we will build a new system and order of diplomatic systems in the future. We hope that in the future there will be moderators from each country who can help choose original, good, and unique posts in their respective national languages. It seeks to promote Steemit in their respective steemians countries. Because the national language of each country will be able to quickly form an element of the promotion of the steemit platform, because each steemian will be more flexible in writing articles using the language of their respective countries.

  • Is it unique?
    We believe it is a uniqueness that does not mean it will stagnate when this community grows rapidly one day. We hope that there will be jobs for every Steemian who is active in building strong performance for the Steemit platform, in various countries. Of course this is a unique thing that is able to show good project activities to promote the Steem Blockchain around the world.

  • Are there other communities that cover the same subject or area as yours?
    The answer is that we adapt it in our own perspective. We are not saying there are similarities with other communities or not. But in essence all steemians in various countries will definitely develop rapidly and mushroom. New people will appear, and of course the community on this steemit platform will be overwhelmed in supporting all active users. So the presence of the NASI community is an effort to inspire newbies to continue to believe and be consistent in working on this steemit platform. Now we also see a lot of new users (beginners) just staying for a while, then disappearing due to lack of thorough understanding and learning about Steem Blockchain. Whereas many large communities are well developed, and of course will not be able to fully empower human resources. This means that Steemit needs a new community to support steem promotion activities in various countries and around the world. Hopefully this answer can help answer the question. It's really efficient and natural.

  • Why should people join your community?
    Naturally, of course all the communities that have sprung up recently will work to help every steemians in channeling their talents and hobbies well, in every growing community. Precisely, with this NASI community, steemians in Indonesia, Venezuela, Russia, India, Bangladesh and in various countries where they come from, who intend to develop on Steemit with their different styles and methods of writing posts, the NASI Community accommodate all posts published in accordance with applicable Community rules and regulations. That will help the old steemian or new steemian to develop together with the NASI Community.

NASI Community Team.

  • Who are the Community Admins and Moderators?
    The team from this community is @new-spirit (founder), and there are three moderators who help run the community, namely @klen.civil (Indonesian Moderator), @walad (Indonesian Moderator), @tonitrade (Indonesian Plagiarism Checker). And every moderator also has the ability and good performance to help run and build the NASI community for now and in the future. And we also hope that there will be every moderator from various countries who can join our community for the basic purpose of promoting Steem in the moderator's country or from any country. And we will soon open vacancies to choose moderators from various countries in this short time.

  • What country do they come from and what language do they speak?
    The founders of the community and the moderators who have been selected at this time are from Indonesia, we hope that in the future there will be other moderators from other countries who can handle the continuation of this community on this steemit platform. Currently, the community only focuses on the world's main language, namely English and also the national language of Indonesia, because currently there is only a moderator from Indonesia. Of course in the future we will add the national language of each country the moderator comes from, such as Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Indian, Filipino, Bangladeshi, and so on.

  • If you only have one Admin, what will happen to your community if you leave or lose your keys?
    We only have one admin, and the community key we hold is not a secret between the founder (admin) of the community and the three selected moderators from Indonesia that we mentioned above. The moderators selected from Indonesia (@klen.civil, @walad, @tonitrade) are from the same city as the community admin, namely @new-spirit. For the confidentiality of the Community key, all three have access to easily coordinate the NASI community key, if for example the admin leaves the community or loses the key.

Community Curation Account

  • What is your community curation account?
    The NASI community curation account is @nasi-community. This community curation account, or the official NASI community account will be used to curate all quality posts from every Steemians that enter our community. Currently the curation account is only accessed by the admin on a regular basis.

  • How much Steem Power he has - both his own and delegated.
    The Steem Power owned by the NASI Community Curation Account has only reached 50 SP - and the Steem Power delegated by Steemians has reached 450 SP. Then the total SP owned by the curation account is 500 SP. And this will increase by itself continuously in the development of the NASI Community.

  • What are your plans to increase your account SP?
    Our plan, we will invite Steemian who has sincerity in delegating their Steem Power to our community. And that of course without any element of coercion. And there is an important thing that we will move to achieve a consequent increase in SP, namely we will receive a gift from every Steemian who posts on this Community by 5% only for our curation account @nasi-komunitas. And this also does not have an element of coercion, only in the form of volunteering (steemian) oneself. This is a great initiative to help improve the future development of the NASI community.

  • Are all post prizes in Power Up, or are they used to pay delegates or community team members?
    Prizes earned from our community curation account will be powered for Power Up, and we will leave a small portion of the prize in the form of Steem or SBD to make some kind of weekly and monthly contest to stimulate the growth of Steemian who is always active and growing in the NASI community. For now we have not paid delegates for their delegation to the @nasi-community community curation account. But an important rule of this community is that we will pay future delegates if this community has generated a reward from each post. And for the NASI community team there is no payment or gift in the form of Steem, and we have considered that all of our work teams are committed to building a community honestly and voluntarily. It's just that if one day this Community becomes a large community, then the annual prize giving to each team that works will be realized according to the budget and community provisions made by the founders and the togetherness of the team from the NASI community.

  • Who has access to vote with the account?
    Based on current provisions, voting for every post from steemian in the NASI community is the Admin or Founder of the community, namely @new-spirit. However, if in the future the Admin feels overwhelmed in voting, then we will choose honest Moderators from each country to access curation accounts in curating selected posts on a regular basis.

  • What is the current CSI Voting score for the account (from
    As shown in the picture above, in the green box, it can be seen that CSI voting from community curated accounts was 5.8, which is 43 upvotes from 34 accounts for seven consecutive days. And we will try to increase upvotes for all active steemian in the future. And An average of 30-50 posts each week that receive votes from community accounts.

Plagiarism and Abuse

  • What actions do you take to check for plagiarism and other forms of abuse (content farming, duplicate accounts, fake accounts)?
    With these community rules, for Steemians who are known to commit elements of plagiarism and other abuse, we will strictly silence the account in question, and of course it is a serious violation that must be stopped absolutely. Of course we will always work hard to find and find abuse by stubborn steemians. Of course we will notify @endingplagiarism to follow up if there is a Steemian who cheats in every action.

  • Have you appointed people on your team for plagiarism checks?
    As long as this community is established, from April 2021 until now, we always control the posts that enter this community carefully. Currently those who check for plagiarism are Admin and MOD @tonitrade as a plagiarism checker.

  • Do you make sure all photos used in your community are copyright free?
    That's right, we also always pay attention to the photos that are included in posts from Steemian who post in our community are true and copyright free. We always research it well.

Engagement & Comments

  • Does the community team check and comment on every post in the community?
    So far, only a few replies and comments have been made by the team. But from today onwards we will always check and reply to comments on posts that enter our community. Trust me, that we will do our best for the advancement of the Steemit platform in the future.

  • If not, roughly what proportion of posts are commented on?
    We provide an average of comments on every post that comes in and posts outside the community of 5-10 posts.

Plans & Updates

  • How often do you post plans and updates for the community?
    The truth in us right now is that we haven't updated our plans often. However, we are committed to doing our best from now on and in the future if the support program from the Steemit Team is willing to be aimed at our community.

  • Did you post this through a community account?
    Yes of course, we will always post with a community account. But if the Admin and Moderator post in the form of a contest or something in the NASI community, then the team will always give prizes to the community curation account according to their wishes without any element of coercion.

  • Do you have a roadmap or long term plan for the community?
    We actually have a roadmap and long term plan for this community. We together with Admin (the founder of the community), namely @new-spirit will always maintain "Power Up" to reach the golden peak in the future. Our basic dream is that we want to achieve millions of Steem Power on the official @nasi-community community account in the long term and can help all Steemians who are always active to prosper with Steemit. And we hope all Steemians can always smile sweetly with us. We believe that one day we will succeed.


  • When asked about our current form of promotion, it is a door-to-door invitation. In other words, every friend we meet in the real world, we always talk about the existence of the Steem Blockchain, and we always talk about Steemit, and invite them to register an account on the Steemit Platform. But indeed at first they openly liked Steemit's performance, but gradually because they had upvotes that were not balanced with their performance, many beginners became desperate. Well, that's why we as a Community Team always try to teach friends in villages and cities in our country, to provide understanding and lessons about making good posts and worthy of consideration by every community they like. And now, our plan from the NASI Community Team will be to make a "steem promotional t-shirt" which we will share with new users who are serious about making posts in our community individually without coercion. However it is like our original plan and can be reset with good terms for new users (beginners). And here we will invite Mr. @stephenkendal and @steemitblog to help us in any form that can be given to us in making steem promotional t-shirts.

    "That's the appearance of the steem promotional t-shirt from the NASI community for newbies who are serious about their performance on Steemit, which we will look for through steemian posts that are loyal to the NASI community."

  • Do you have a Promotion or Marketing Plan for your Community?
    About the steem promotion plan that we will do in the future are: we will ask every Moderator wherever he is to convey ideas and ideas about how to do steem promotions in various regions? Because every region has a different culture. However, in the early stages of planning what we will do is invite/guide high school students and college students in every campus or rural area or in urban areas. Where later they can easily get basic learning about the introduction of Steemit. Of course we will change the relaxed learning pattern for new students at school or on campus who can be given a theoretical and practical understanding of the knowledge of the Steem Blockchain.

Anything Else

  • Please include any other information you would like us to know about your community, and why should your community be selected for extra support?
    The Steemit Team needs to know that the NASI Community will have a charity agenda in the coming months if the Steemit Team chooses this community to get extra support, namely we will do charity from every gift we get through income coming in from the @nasi-community curation account, we will distribute alms or assistance to orphans, nursing homes, or the poor to help ease the burden of life for those in need, every month. So if in Indonesia, we agreed to distribute charitable assistance through @steem.amal which we will contact later if successful, every month. As for the number of charity boxes that we will distribute later, we will discuss it again with all the Moderators to determine what percentage of the charity we will distribute. Well, if it's for charity in another country, then each NASI Community Moderator from a different country will talk about it and plan the idea of ​​distributing zakat according to their respective regional culture.
    Therefore, we hope that there will be additional support for this community as a whole and we also hope that with the support of the Steemit Team, we hope that it will be useful for all the general public.

  • Are there any other special features your community has? Are you only encouraging #steemexclusive posts in your community?
    About the special feature of this community is that we work to support "Trade with Steem" which we will name the feature by the name of Click Steem! And this is a crazy idea that has not been used by every country. Maybe this idea already exists from every Steemian who thinks clearly to advance Steem and the economy individually or universally by trading unique goods, or primary goods using Steem currency. However, this idea has not been fully implemented. On the other hand, we will create a special program to advance Steem by cultivating buying and selling goods with crypto currency, namely Steem. This may sound silly, but we will discuss with the community team for this one feature. May our dreams come true.

These are the contents and application documents of the monthly community support program that we can do. And this is not an element of coercion from any party, the overall content of this application is purely the goal of the NASI community itself. We also hope that our community can get support and guidance from @steemitblog and the competent Steemit Team with the aim of building Steem progress.

The writing of this application post was written by the admin/founder of the community, namely @new-spirit. Then we will reward him with 40% of the proceeds of this post. Thank you!

Regards, By @nasi-community



Nothing is impossible if we want to try, hopefully this community can be accepted by every steemians and can also get support from the steemit team

 4 years ago 

Thank you so much, @syahrulmaulidi. Regards. 👍

Hopefully the community you propose can be accepted by the steemit team.

 4 years ago 

Hi @fitrii, Thank you so much for supporting our community. Hopefully all will be useful. Regards.

Cocok nih untuk guru seni 👍👍👍

Terima kasih banyak pak @radjasalman. Kami masih seperti bayi, sedang belajar berjalan pelan-pelan. Hehehe...😄🤭

Semoga sukses dan berjaya dalam berkarya

Terima kasih Bang @fahmyzul27. Salam.

Good luck, and I hope that in the future I can work in this community and be able to get support for each of my posts later on

 4 years ago 

Hai, @nurulazmi.
Anda bisa memposting tentang apa saja yang berkenaan dengan seni di komunitas kami. Semoga betah di sini. Salam.

I hope this community will be successful..

 4 years ago 

Yes, thanks for the support @ainonmardiah. Regards.

Great job, hopefully steemit team approved it

Thank you my brother. Regards.

Hi friend!

Good luck broo...

 4 years ago 

Thank you brother. :)

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