#steemfoods [|| food prepared by @preciousoft06
This is one of my favourite meal.....
It is popularly called Yam Vegetable Porridge, it is very high in CARBOHYDRATE, Fats, oil, and protein.
It is a popular food in the South Eastern part of Nigeria. The Ingredients required to prepare this food are: yam, vegetable(ugwu), red oil, salt, maggi cube, pepper, and water.
The steps involved:
- Pour water into your pot.
- Put your yam into the water and allow to boil...
- Put your ingredients like: 3 cubes of Maggi, pepper (your desired quantity), pour oil like 2 to 3 spoons (large), you can add cray fish also.
- Allow the food to heat for more 20minutes or more depending on the quantity of water,.
- When the food is almost ready you wash the vegetables and add it to the yam.
6 when the water is getting dried up then cooking is done.....
Thank You
Try it and see.....