MY DELICIOUS PANCAKE RECIPE WITH NESTLE BRAND PRODUCT( MILO) / 50% to sf-charity - 13/09/2021 by @millymillions
Hello lovely people. It feels good to be participating in this 31st contest of steemfoods that centers on making any delicious recipe with a nestle brand product. Well I thought of making pancakes and so I worked with Nestle Milo(small satchet).
Nestle Milo is one beverage that is malty.I have been fond of it right from childhood. It is a chocolate flavoured powder originally developed in Australia by Thomas Mayne in 1934.
It is sold as a powder in green tin or satchet. Subsequently it has been developed into snack bar and protein granola.
Nestle Milo is packed with all the nutrients you need to get and keep you going like malted barley,vitamins and mineral.It's a great tasting drink that every family loves as it is suitable for all ages.
Nestle Milo (Small Satchet) is quite affordable where I live in Nigeria. I got this for 70 naira each.
The following are ingredients for my nestle Milo pancake:
A cup and half of flour
5 tablespoon of milk
2 eggs
6 cubes of sugar and half a teaspoon of baking powder
2 small satchet of Nestle Milo
Let's begin the process:
Step 1: Mix together flour,nestle Milo,milk and baking powder in a bowl
Step 2:In another bowl or plate,whisk egg and sugar( allow cube sugar dissolve before whisking)
Step 3: Form a little well in the middle ,pour the egg and sugar mixture and stir.Add water and stir until the batter is smooth and let for 15 minutes.
Step 4: over low heat,use spoon to pour on well-oiled pan. Note oil is rubbed on pan,enough to fry a one pancake at a time.
Step 5: when surface seem dry,flip and let to fry for 2minutes
Sprinkle sugar and milk.
Your tasty Nestle Milo pancake is ready.
Thanks for engaging my blog.
Cc: @alikoc07
I remain
Wow! I will try this immediately. Nice one
@delightdear awwwwww,thank you!
This is good and tasty. Let me resteem it in my blog so that I’ll try it
Thanks @millymillions for this recipe