(#burnsteem25) Creativewriting (5)Fruits and it's Benefits

in SteemFoods2 years ago (edited)


Hello my wonderful steemians, how are you guys doing, I hope you all are doing well also I know you people are having a good health.
I will like to tell you people some Benefits of fruits to our health. This will be a special lecture for you guys.



Banana is a fruit that helps our health a lot, in my country banana is a fruit that is very popular in South East Nigeria.
some people who engaged in Banana business have made it in life because everyone like eating Banana, the farmers Who engaged in farming of Banana have made it too. When they harvest it they will sell it and get money, they export Banana to some African countries like Ghana, Bangladesh, Egypt, Cameron and some others.
Banana can be eating with rice, groundnuts and some other foods

Benefits of Banana

  • Banana serves as income to man

  • It nourishes our body

  • Banana helps in soften the stomach

  • It gives the body vitamins such as Vitamin B-3, E, B12, etc.

  • Banana helps to support the worn out tissues in the body.

(2)Garden egg

Garden egg is fruit that is 70% known in African countries, it is among one of the that gives the farmers a huge source of income.
The farmers in my country exports garden egg to some other countries, and this fruit have a lot it adds in the health.
In my country garden egg is used to welcome visitors, in any occasion garden egg is one of the foods that we offer to visitors

Benefits of garden egg

  • Garden egg servers as income to farmers.

  • Garden egg is reach in fibre and vitamins

  • Garden egg helps in food digestion

  • Garden egg have minerals it gives in the health.

  • Garden egg helps in controling of bowel movement.


Apple is a fruit that is popular known in the world Apple is been imported from United States of America to my country Nigeria 🇳🇬
Apple is a fruit that helps to farmers to get a huge amount of money, when they sell it they get money Apple has a lot it gives in the health.

Benefits of Apple

  • Apple servers as income

  • Apple is used to produce fruits

  • It supplies the body with vitamins

  • Apple is reach in calcium for strong bone

  • Eating Apple helps in digestion of foods

  • Eating Apple regularly helps to prevent cancer in the body.


download-1.jpgsource Oranges are fruits that helps to the health a lot.
In my country oranges are one of the fruits that we used to produce a high quality juice, Orange is been exported in my country.
We use orange to cure so many diseases that can kill a man. The farmers in my country has made a huge amount of money through farming and selling oranges where by getting money from it when they market it.orange has many things it supports to the health but before I continue i will like to tell you people some Benefits of liking oranges.

Benefits of orange

  • Oranges is used to produce delicious juices

  • Orange helps to fight against diseases in immune system

  • Orange serves as income to man

  • Orange help to protect the cells from damaged.

  • It helps to fight against eyes diseases


images.jpgsource pineapple is a fruit that helps to support the body with nutritious vitamins.
Pineapple is one of the best fruit we have in the world, some farmers have engaged in farming of pineapple as one of the fruits that gives them income in their farming work.
Pineapple is fruit that has a lot of things it gives in the body,it serves as maleria medicine when being cooked. It is one of the fruits that is well known in my country we export it to many countries in Africa.
It is a very nice and sweet fruits but before I continue i will like to tell you guys the benefit of this fruits.

<Benefit of pineapple

  • Pineapple is used to produce juice

  • Serves as income

  • It serves as maleria medicine

  • Pineapple helps to promote tissues healing

  • It helps to fight against infections in immune system.

  • It helps to add digestion of foods


My friends am happy to share with you people the Benefit of this fruits that I listed above.
We need to make sure that we take this fruits regularly it will help us to boost our immune system.
Eating fruits helps a lot in man's life you can also plant this fruit in your compound it will help to reduce the expenses when you need the fruits.
I know you guys love the post thanks
I will like to appreciate this wonderful community @steemfoods for their good work over healthy foods and health too

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