|Minuman Paling Segar di Dunia | The World's Freshest Drinks

in SteemFoods3 years ago (edited)

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Selamat siang steemian pecinta kuliner tradisional, salam sejahtera selalu

Kali ini, ane mau bagi cerita soal minuman paling segar tanpa olahan dan langsung bersumber dari air saripati tanaman palm alias pohon Ijuk atau pohon Aren, di Aceh ikenal dengan Bak Jok.

Ditempat tinggalku di Lhokseumawe, Aceh, minuman ini disebut Ie Jok, di Indonesia dikenal dengan air Nira. Nah kalo di luar negeri aku tak tau namanya.

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Disini, Ie jok sudah menjadi konsumsi sehari-hari masyarakat. Bahkan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir air Nira sudah dikombinasikan dengan kopi espresso,alias Nira Espresso. Hampir semua warung kopi yang pernah ku singgah menyediakan menu khas itu.

Nira murni nikmat disajikan dingin, cukup isi es setengah gelas, tuang Nira hingga penuh. Simpel sekali tinggal teguk dan rasakan manisnya yang beda dengan manis gula batu atau pasir.

Kebetulan tadi aku beli satu botol 500 ml, di dekat persimpangan sekolah anak. Harga per botol hanya Rp 5 ribu. Murah sekali bukan? dan di kota , mudah mendapatkan Nira, karena dijual di beberapa titik keramaian.

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Normalnya, Nira disajikan di siang hari hingga malam hari. Tapi ada juga yang suka mengkonsumsi pada pagi. Seperti ane, minum Nira bisa kapan saja. Apalagi bulan Ramadan di depan mata, di masa itu Nira menjadi minuman favorit. Tak ayal pedagang Nira akan semakin banyak.

Kata di penjual Nira tempat langganan, Nira dibagi dalam dua bagian, Nira murni yaitu tanpa proses fermentasi dan Nira yang sudah melalui proses fermentasi, menghasilkan Tuak, Cuka dan Alkohol. Katanya juga Nira asli bisa diolah menjadi gula coklat atau dikenal dengan gula aren.

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Nah kata teman yang kebetulan seorang dokter gizi menjelaskan, Nira mengandung karbohidrat, protein, lemak, Vitamin C, Posfor dan mineral. Bahkan rasa manis yang muncul di Nira karna kandungan karbohidratnya mencapai 11 persen.

“Tidak masalah mengkonsumsi Nira setiap hari, asal Nira murni yang belum proses fermentasi. Kalau untuk memperlancar buang air besar , Nira suplemennya,” kata teman itu sambil tertawa.

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Itulah cerita soal Nira si minuman paling segar di dunia, kaya gizi dan nikmat sekali untuk menghilangkan dahaga usai kerja keras..


Good afternoon steemian traditional foodies,

I hope you're always healthy.

This time, I want to share the story of the freshest drink, sourced from the essence of palm plants aka Ijuk trees or Aren trees, in Aceh known as Bak Jok.

In my residence in Lhokseumawe, Aceh, this drink is called Ie Jok, in Indonesia known as Nira water. Well abroad I don't know what his name is.

Here, Nira becomes the daily consumption of the community. Even in recent years Nira water has been combined with espresso coffee, aka Nira Espresso.

Almost all the coffee shops I've stopped by provide that special menu.
Pure nira is deliciously served cold, with ice to taste.

Sweetness is different from sweet sugar cubes or sand.

I bought a 500 ml bottle near my son's school crossing. The price of one bottle is only Rp 5 thousand. It's cheap, isn't it?

In my city it's easy to get Nira, because it's sold at some crowded point.

Normally, Nira is served during the day until the evening. But there are also those who like to consume in the morning.

Like me, drinking Nira can be anytime. Moreover, the month of Ramadan is almost here, at that time Nira became a favorite drink.

Surely nira traders will be more and more.

The word in the seller Nira where my subscription, Nira is divided into two parts, Pure Nira without fermentation process and Nira that has gone through the fermentation process, which produces Tuak, Vinegar and Alcohol.

He also said the original Nira can be processed into brown sugar or known as palm sugar.

Well said a friend who happens to be a nutritionist explained, Nira contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, Vitamin C, Posfor and minerals. Even the sweetness that appears in Nira because of its carbohydrate content reaches 11 percent.

"It is not a problem to consume Nira every day, as long as it is pure Nira that has not been fermented. If to facilitate defecation , Nira supplements,"Said the friend with a laugh.

That's the story of Nira the freshest drink in the world, rich in nutrients and delicious to quench thirst after hard work.


Hahaha.. that na teuh, bak na frasa paling segar di dunia. Wine Aceh njan 🤣

🤣🤣🤣 nyan tanda miskin materi

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