Delicious Improvised Dinner, French Toast Stuffed With Sausage And Fried Egg 🌭🍽️!Deliciosa Cena Improvisada, Pan Francés Relleno Con Salchicha Y Huevo Frito!! By Danhyelita24!

in SteemFoods3 years ago


Hello, how are you friends, today I want to share with you a delicious improvised dinner, which arose as an initiative of my son, since we wanted to eat something different and because we are quarantined we cannot walk so late on the street, that is why we decided to prepare the delicious Stuffed Breads with sausage and fried egg, super rich, easy to make, ideal to share with the family.

Hola qué tal amigos hoy quiero compartir con ustedes una deliciosa cena improvisada, que surgió como iniciativa de mi hijo, ya que queríamos comer algo distinto y por ser cuarentena no podemos andar tan tarde en la calle, por eso decidimos preparar u la deliciosos Panes Rellenos con salchicha y huevo frito, súper ricos, fácil de hacer ideales para compartir en familia.


French bread, sausage, eggs, carrot, tomato sauce, mayonnaise and it was grated hard white.


Pan francés, salchichas, huevos, zanahoria, salsa de tomate, mayonesa y quedó blanco duro rallado.




1. We heat the breads in a large skillet.

1. Calentamos los panes en un sartén grande.


2. We roast the sausages on the grill.

2. Asamos las salchichas en el gril.


3. We fry the eggs.

3. Freímos los huevos.

4. We proceed to prepare the breads, cut in half, add the sausage, egg, grated carrot, mayonnaise, tomato sauce and grated the hard cheese on top.

4. Procedemos a preparar los panes, picamos a la mitad incorporamos la salchicha, el huevo, zanahoria rallada, mayonesa, salsa de tomate y rallamos en el queso duro encima.


And that's how these delicious Stuffed Breads were. Hoping they have been to your liking, I say goodbye until a new opportunity thanking you for your attention, greetings and good luck!

Y listo así quedaron estos deliciosos Panes Rellenos.
Esperando hayan sido de su agrado me despido hasta una nueva oportunidad agradeciendo su atención saludos y buen provecho!!!




Good steps to simple dinner. How Sausage is used here, would you please explain more to that i can make it easily.

Hello, I buy the sausage already ready, I particularly pass it through boiling water and then through the hot grill to roast it!

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