Nigerian Street Food at Night!! Africa’s Biggest Food City!!

in GEMS4 years ago

As a foodie what are your credentials what are your experiences with street food with street food you get things that are really nice there's a bit of creativity when it comes to street food and it's very affordable legos nigeria this is africa's most populated city densely packed with over 20 million people this city is not for the weak from all around the country dreamers entrepreneurs and those desperate for more come here to make it

But making it doesn't come easy if anything you really really really want in nigeria you talk of lagos the aim is to make sure it gets good better until it gets to the best this is one of the most challenging places in the world to shoot a blog you'll see why soon but we didn't come here for a walk in the park we're here to capture nigerian life food and culture if you have seen before today i'm on a mission to discover the dynamic street food scene of legos i've never seen the anatomy laid out like that it's like seeing the whole globe flattened out into a map seeing how far my money will get me as i attempt to fill my stomach very nice and empty my wallet is that try trying to spend over 100 in 24 hours this should be less than a dollar

i'm gonna have to eat a lot at the same time i'll be learning the unspoken rules of hustle in the city that never stops working time to clock in do you know what's happening i don't tell me okay so we have fish and chicken here this is folly a legos local a creative contributor to battlebox nigeria's most exciting news and entertainment and she's a lover of street food today she'll be my sidekick helping me make my way to 100 worth of street food and more importantly helping me to connect with the local people

Before you leave nigeria you must learn how to speak a pidgin broken language how do i say how's the weather in legos how the weather did for lagos i feel like it's gonna sound racist are you sure i can do this yes you can pidgeon is a simplified form of english mixed with other languages created to help communication among different cultures how deep were the day for legos did you end yeah this lagos it hurts well well hot way away ah cool we're at allen avenue one of lego's well-known night time food hubs for locals and visitors who want to satisfy their twilight cravings at this particular vendor they've mastered the art of grilling fish and chicken can i say something without sounding mean say it is a fruit it looks like someone ran this chicken over right in a delicious way

what kind of fish is this pork fish this is a hefty food it doesn't look like something you just sit on the street and munch on no you know what people that love to drink alcohol and just chill so you just buy any of it let's try the fish how much beady fish 2 000. the fish is brought back to life put directly on the blazing hot coals add yaji pepper a popular nigerian mixture of seasonings made of ginger powder crushed peanut cayenne pepper and salt constantly douse it with oil to wake up the flavor serve it with cabbage onion and more yagi on top boom look at this fish oh look this fish was so surprised when they threw it in the fire look at that expression it was like and then frozen in time the people don't usually just sit here and eat yeah they take it to their home in their house yes but i have no home here so instead we're just gonna eat it right here standing up yeah how do we attack this show me the way okay aha a croaker fish okay yes what's that it's a fishbone it's quite juicy i like that spice a little nigerian masala and then along the way you're just eating some onions and cabbage or do you mix it with the fish and mix it in your mouth i like it a little bit fish or that oh that i love because the fish was fried earlier kind of heavy so it's nice to cut it with some vegetables kind of mix the intensity up like the whole mixture is very nice in the mouth exactly you work for a company called batter box so you have covered stuff about culture current events and a bunch of street food too yes i've done a lot of traveling i've done a lot of shooting but traveling to travel and traveling to shoot are super different for example if i go to india take out my camera i start shooting people are very welcoming oh come shoot my shop but not every place is like that i go to japan they don't like anything spontaneous they're like you should have planned i need to ask five levels of bosses above me so they would just not be a fan of it and they'd politely ask you to stop i did not get kicked out of the 711 did you i didn't i walked out yeah uh nigeria they'll ask you to stop but they might also threaten you hey do you see those guys yelling at me when i turn on a light yeah it's okay i will protect you yes and i'm curious as someone who's shot here so much why is it so intense shooting in legos it's abundant it's dynamic

it's pure energy like adding some red bull to your morning coffee this would be like the new york of nigeria very active everything is so fast here literally legos one of the fastest growing cities in the world always moving always changing if you want to survive pick a spot and sell something anything so the thing is in lagos some places are friendly some other places are not the whole reason is if you can tip them they're fine so you should never go anywhere and just start shooting randomly the moment that you're coming somewhere else you're bringing cameras they feel like oh they can make money out of this then some people will come at you and then that's when you have to tip them okay all right sir

Do you like your noodles are these good i'm so sweaty he knows what he's doing yeah do you think you can replicate this i'm very hungry let's do it our next stop right here this vendor has been in the street food business for the last 15 years offering a cozy night cap for the sober crowd and the not so sober crop we got food coming in food going out this is one package of noodles

He puts in some water and then he's digging deep in the apron there's something in there it's a lighter okay well you can't cook without fire what kind of noodles is he making the number noodles with veggies inside oh this is uh indomie yes these are from all the way from indonesia they're here the popular one is indonesia

hey indonesia big ups oh that's gonna be so spicy dude is it straight chili sauce yes that is like level five health spicy all right he is mixing this about furiously can we do some eggs too do the eggs go in the noodles is that a normal thing i don't want to break tradition you're like a featured extra have you ever been in a movie before we actually paid him to sit next to us and just eat noodles oh my gosh look at this steamy and smelling super spicy let's go for it nice flavor tremendously spicy wow it makes a huge difference like he uses the seasoning from the packet but he just piles on more spice do you ever order even more spice and go extra yes i love pepper the noodles are like kind of mushy

I think because they added the egg inside so many more mushy but this one tastes different yours is way better i like them both don't get me wrong but that's more noodley this is more of a mesh yes it's cause of the eggs who's coming out here and eating this kind of food like there are clothes around right maybe you're just drinking and you're partying and you need to eat something it's like a hangover food like it fortifies your stomach it protects you from the alcohol exactly were you partying tonight you were partying cool nice i've been known to party

once in a while too shooting in legos is not easy for foreigners or locals alike but as an outsider if you try it on your own you won't last two minutes i just think it's fair to point out like shooting here yeah it's fun it's a challenge but it's not all sunshine and rainbows and it seems like there are some unspoken rules that if you're not from here and you don't know himyou could get in a lot of trouble so ithought you have in your papers that you're allowed to film but also remember that we also have people who are called the strict boys or the street guys you still have to deal with them here you gotta play by the rules of the street it starts with the area boys a hierarchy of gangs that control turf from neighborhood to neighborhood

if you film without the approval of the area boys it's not going to end well for you one way or another the area boys always collect for us because we are nigerians and so we know how to maneuver some of these things but there are times that you cannot maneuver it you still have to just tip some people and just so that you can have peace so it's best to start out on their good side but even then scuffles and misunderstandings can happen that's just the way it is boom nice street food

it is very loud here yes i think it might be the generator could you fall asleep to this wow i into you this is called and he's a suya dealer yeah uh hello sir zuya is a national dish in nigeria originating in the north in nigeria we have different tribes okay but this particular thing is mostly done by the australians and this is basically just meat on a stick yes yes a spicy meat skewer it can be beet ram chicken or a variety of organ meats marinated with yaji pepper is that tripe yeah oh i had a lot of tripe on my trip already and i'm not sure how much stomach i should put in my stomach what's the far one this is give that if you just only could get two things and then you die tomorrow well okay how about in this scenario you don't even have to die at all yeah if you could choose only two what would they be and personally i love dessert beef and dessert yeah let's do it the meat is tossed atop a fiery charcoal wafting extending a welcoming aroma like some kind of meat scented axe body spray he chops it into biteable bits and serves it up with cabbage



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