Conspiracy or truth?

in GEMS3 years ago


Why is Africa not doing as well as other continents? Why do we need aid from foreign countries? Why is the leading cause of death in children hunger and malnutrition? Why are easily preventable diseases so rampant in our communities?
Does the black man lack the necessary skills to grow all by himself? Is he not just as adequate as his foreign counterparts?
I'll say just one thing. He is. But he is too selfish and shortsighted. From my experience, he's more interested in what a complete stranger thinks than what his brother thinks. Why do I say this? Lemme bring you home. In Nigeria, the affluent drivers on the same roads as every other person, but believe me when I say, even animals would have a though tome walking on these roads. This same affluent takes a trip to a foreign country and spends more money than even the foreigners have! His home is in shambles but he's on vacation in a foreign land doing irrelevant things for irrelevant reasons to irrelevant people. Makes no sense!
I keep wondering why these things keep happening here. I now have an idea... we let them happen!
We are so concerned about keeping the little we have that we forsake the bigger picture for momentary relief. Plot twist, the little we struggle to keep will still be snuffed out and we'll be left with absolutely nothing! And then, it would be too late to even do anything about the problem. Its crazy, I feel helpless, they keep increasing the prices of things, keep reducing income and keep devaluing the currency.
I used to think it was incompetence, but now, I know it's the exact opposite. Its a scheme, a plan to keep he people down. It's the year 2021 and we do not have basic amenities in Nigeria. Electricity is not constant, and growing up, I used to think it was a work in progress. I'm an adult now, and there's still no progress. Countries have had stable constant electricity for decades now, so even if you don't know how to create it, how difficult is duplicating it? How difficult is it to make sure the roads are adequate and that every citizen has food to eat?!
I'll tell you what this all is... 21st century slavery! I had a conversation with a friend of mine, and at the talk, we made a conclusion, the black man is the black man's problem, but thinking foreign bodies have the black man's best interest is a big joke.
Recently saw the movie Judas and the black messiah, all I see is history playing over and over. Let's rewind even further, the initiation of slave trade, the black man happily sold his kin. But this trade was done with the foreigners, and the both of them are still in business till today. The affluent black man and the foreigner.
To answer my initial questions, I'll be plain and simple. Africa is wrecked and wretched today because of the greed of the few affluent, but more importantly, because of the fear of losing what little he has, the poor black man.

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