If You Can Answer This Seemingly Simple Question YOU May Just Drastically Improve Your Life...

in GEMS5 years ago

OK! So today I have my magic wand at hand and ready to use... Well no I don't... I mean uhm... I have my theoretical magic wand at hand and ready to use! Yes that's better now we understand things a little more clearly, right?

What's that I hear you ask Dear Reader?

Fairy Godmother??? No no that's not it I am not a fairy Godmother and this isn't Cinderella. Professor Dumbledore? Nononono... NO! Although, ((...actually I'm not sure I should share this secret... Oh what the heck, it's just me and you here, right?)) last Halloween I was a pretty attractive witch if I do say so myself!!!

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Wait one second! Let me re-start and see if I can make a better job of explaining, Ok?

So. Today I want you to 'imagine' that I have a magic wand, a magic lamp or special powers to make your desires come true... Understand? Awesome I'm glad we got that sorted I thought we were going to be here all day...

Although this post isn't really about a wand a lamp or even a pumpkin turning in to a carriage. What it IS about is a question. It's a simple question but incredibly profound at the same time. Please don't start getting confused again ((I'll do that to ya everytime with my disorganised thoughts and rambling typing digits)).

You ready for the question, yup? Ok here it is... Oh and by the way, after you read it, pause for thought and don't answer too quickly. You know how this magic-stuff works, right? There are no second chances. 'Cinders' cannot un-go to the ball... She cannot un-meet Prince Charming once she realises he is a raging narcissist ((C'mon, you see it right?)) Oops I was off at a tangent again... Oh yeah! Something about a question, right... Here goes...

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For one day and one day only I can grant you one wave, ((no not wave)), flourish of my wand and the one thing that you want most in the world will come to be.

But we are all adults here and realise that like all deals that seen waaaaay too good to be true there is fine print and some pesky terms and conditions but we are all entirely used to that sort of thing, right?

So here are the caveats...

  • I would rather you didn't choose world peace but if you do really want to, try a little lateral thinking and get creative with it.
  • I the undersigned agree that I will apply all reasonable standard fair use legal tenets and will not abuse the wish to wish for more wishes! C'mon... You didn't think it was gonna be that easy... Did you?
  • It must be something real. For example you cannot wish to fly unless you are using some kind of transportation system and you cannot be Henry VIII.

So you understand the reward, you have an understanding of the rules and know that you will not be wishing for infinite wishes... Sheesh! Some people, huh?

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The real exercise here is to try and get you to think about what you actually want from life, if there were no limits, and you didn't need to consider work, activity or talent or indeed money, what would it be?

I imagine, with current world events many of us have probably given a little thought to matters such as this more than ever before. Often those times in life when we have some extra time on our hands, thoughts can turn to...

"What could I really be doing right now? Who could I really be right now. What could I have if only I believed?"

What did you really wish for when you were younger? I don't mean the 7 year old dreams of being an astronaut, a pop star or a famous sports-star...

I mean when you were entering the optimistic stage of young adulthood before the stuffing of your dreams was ripped out and dropped by the wayside of reality and pragmatic, practicality...

I know what you are thinking... For someone who is always preaching the value of decision, optimism and self value and adventure that was a pretty dark indictment...

Do you deny for an instant that it is the norm though?

Nope surely not. Hopefully you were lucky enough to escape the shattering of your shiny, rosy view of the world. Hopefully you are living the exact life you were meant to live, doing what you were meant to do and being the version of you that you were destined to be.

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Let's think back to those childhood dreams I mentioned for an instant to apply a little creativity. Some of these suggestions may sound a touch naive, juvenile or just plain crazy but hear me out!

Let's say you did want to be an astronaut... Why? I mean really examine the motive behind it and see where your mind leads you by way of an answer...

What if you decided the reason actually stemmed from the fact you are utterly obsessed and enthralled by anything to do with space... The final frontier...

Is it possible ((like I said hear me out on this...)) that being a curator of the space exhibit at you local museum or observatory could give you that thrill of being involved in cosmic interests?

I mentioned being a sports-star - what if the TV cameras, gloss and gold medal fantasy induced love you felt for such an idea actually stemmed from wanting to be fit and healthy... Could being a personal fitness coach, football coach or sports nutrition expert tap in to those goals?

Hey! If I don't at-least ask the question or probe the dream me may never know just how doable your goals really are, will we or indeed could be?

What if a magic wand was not what was needed but just a simple question designed to prompt your subconscious in to action with regard to your brains goal pursuing centres when you least expect it.

Let me mention one more thing that I believe is hugely relevant...

Ask anybody who has never had enough money for holidays, luxuries or savings how much money they would need to quit the job they despise. Often they shout out random erroneous numbers and they don't even know why. So often the answer is a million, half a million, 2 million... Ten million pounds/dollars/Euros, often they cite this coincidental million rounded, mile-stone

Imagine if you earned an annual salary of 30k or maybe 50k, what about 100k? You could quit work and have that money coming in on auto-pilot, would that be enough to pursue something really fulfilling. Sometimes we need so much less than we have always believed

Sometimes, a little self-esteem would stop us from pursuing something that we assume we need.

This stuff bears thinking about right? Hey! This is how revelations happen...

BUT often, even THAT is not the point.

Just think... Let the question of what you REALLY want marinade in that creative part of your brain and see what transpires...

You may very well surprise yourself on exactly what you want...

Thank YOU for taking the time to read my post and if you're one of those amazing people who like to hit the comments section... Then I doubly thank YOU!

Either way I want you to know that you are apreciated!

Keep taking the time to connect with eachother both here and in the so-called real world and try and look after eachother, because as you already know...

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