A Bond in Our Silent Heartbeats...

in GEMS2 years ago

I have not written a word in a long time...
And though I can point to many reasons why this is so, I feel strongly that excuses are not an option.
So here is a piece to woo your hearts again, or maybe even break it completely...


Source: Pixabay


A thousand and one,
That's how many ways..
Ways in which my heart is torn..
I am happy the one minute,
And the next,
My cheer is all but dead and gone...

You see,
You've stolen my heart,
And now,
Now when it beats in sync with yours..
Now you rise,
Spewing desires to depart,
And I wish I could close..
Close down those alluring doors...

Tell me,
How do I bare your absence..?
When your presence is barely enough..
How do I serve, this lonely sentence..?
Without the one person,
The one person whom I Love...

Still I promise, that I won't forget,
The memories on our shared timeline..
The warm hugs, the shared gossip,
The stolen moments when our hearts,
And our lips aligned...

Because as Love would have it,
We have built through our simple habits,
A bond, in our silent heartbeats...
Just You and Me...



Source: Pixabay

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