#WomenInCrypto Let's have some Thoughts about it
Hey Guys
Today while surfing the news article I stopped by an article shared by zebpay . This topic is interesting so I thought of talking about it in my post today.
The topic for the article is about women involvement in cryptocurrency and this is something that I think we should talk about it. Cryptocurrency is a world where technology is evolving and there are thousands of project working on different different blockchain algorithm. But the question arises that how many womens are part of such projects.
We talk about women empowerment and many other initiative which are made to bring us women in front and make them more strong and to lead the scenario. We had a mindset that technology is something requires extra efforts and women can't handle it the way it supposed to be. In fact if I look around my neighborhood then I see that software enginers are only men but with the passage of time things are changing. Now I see few girls doing technical study and this shows that things are changing and in future we are going to see more women participating in the world of technology.
As of now I see that involvement ratio of men and women in cryptocurrency world has huge difference. Here are some facts that I am sharing which will make us understand what is percent of female are in blockchain and cryptocurrencies world. This is showing different percentage everywhere and in overall we are nowhere 25% of it.
I am not a technical person and even don't have much technical knowledge but still I am part of blockchain through STEEM. In fact I think Steem is the one who is doing fantastic contribution in this as I see so many women here who are doing marvellous work in the platform
In India people still think that women are for the household work and they can not handle tedious work and because of this many talented girls and women don't get the opportunity to try their skills.
I personally think women are very good in multi tasking and we can manage multiple things at a time with ease and even I am doing it. I manage household stuffs, do my regular work and also get some time to work on Steem. Along with this I also get the time for my son and his studies.
We are in 21st century and we need to come out from our old mindset. Steem is certainly a place where we have lots of women content creator and this is so good. I think because of this less involvement women are also responsible because many of us don't take the importance such next generation things seriously. Like I discussed with few of my friends about Steem platform and they seem to be not interested. They know about cryptocurrency through news and some of them are even not aware of this. They're spending hours of their time everyday on Facebook to go through photos. They're even available on other platforms like instagram and WhatsApp etc that means they're in good position to adopt this decentralized technology platform but they don't want to be. They don't want to be part of it as of now which doesn't mean that they will never join. Since decentralization is future then sooner or later they will be part of but in that case they'll loose the opportunity to early joining.
Somewhere we women are responsible for this less envolvement because many of us try not to enter in anything that's new to us while men do it and this is what makes them grab the opportunity first. Talking new initiative or challenge is not limited to anyone and whoever does it first will lead the game.
My cryptocurrency journey started with STEEM and I am a proud Steemian. Its helpful for me to learn and grow here and I am confident that we will have more women part of the platform and even Crypto. Now since this ratio started moving ahead with the passage of time and in few coming years we can see much more numbers and a growing percentage overall.
Thank you so much
Namaste from India 🇮🇳
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