Greek government and TV promote fake news in order to strengthen the quarantine measures?

in GEMS4 years ago

Hello everyone.

This is my 3rd COVID-19 update and it's a HUGE one.
I got censored in Facebook for sharing a status about all this fake news mess so here I am writing my thoughts in an censorship free platform.
Let's take a look at what happened.

Yesterday Thessaloniki's city mayor Mr. Zervas submitted a request to ban traffic on the beach of Thessaloniki, in particular on weekdays from 2 pm to 10 pm and on weekends from 8 am to 12 midnight.

This is the beach of Thessaloniki


The reason behind Mr. Zervas request was that the citizens of Thessaloniki flooded the beach on Tuesday 31/3 and do not respect the government's COVID-19 safety instructions.

As he stated :

I will not let the city be exposed to any danger

Was Thessaloniki beach indeed too crowded?

On Tuesday 31/3 a Greek TV channel which goes by the name "Open Beyond" shared some footage from this exact spot and the place looked so full of people.
Here is a photo while "Open Beyond" reporters were "live" on air



And here is the video

Did you notice something strange? A guy is flying Hahahaha

While there are hundreds of people walking at the back, there are only 10 people walking near the camera. Do you see any police officers who were constantly patrolling the beach since the quarantine started? Also, the pillars next to the trees are supposed to have 25m distance from each other. It definitely does not seems like 25 to me.

This TV report was shot with a Telephoto Lens. Telephoto lenses stay in place and can shoot faraway things and make them seem much closer. In our case, the not so crowded front row of people is the real situation and the crowded folks at the back are not representing the reality. Anyone who is into video shooting or photography can tell that this video is not representing the reality.

There are also numerous people who stated that they haven't been to the beach for weeks and saw their faces on TV.
More specifically, a citizen of Thessaloniki told live on TV that his daughter called him from America and told him that he saw him on TV walking at the beach. He told his daughter that he hasn't been to the beach since 17 of March...

There seems to be a huge number of people who saw their faces on this "live" report from their houses.

It obviously is fake news but what's the motive behind it?

Are the TV and the Greek government spreading fake news because they want to take draconian measures?
Are they trying to impose dictatorships?
Time will tell...

The only thing I know is that some people are making some HUGE gains while others lost their jobs and are now helplessly sitting in their houses not knowing what's gonna happen tomorrow.

So, what do you think?

Thank you all for supporting me and reading my blog. These are just my thoughts so I suggest you do your own research before jumping in conclussions.
Much love to everyone and stay safe.

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Greetings my friend... Yes, you nailed it:
"Are the TV and the Greek government spreading fake news because they want to take draconian measures?"
Only a free Life is a real Life!
Enough people here in Berlin still going to the park ;)

Most people in my country consume everything without thinking apparently. That's sad!
As you said, Only a free Life is a real Life.

Enough people around the world are Sheeples... but also your videos show enough people
who still go outside, because they know whats good for them... be outside with Mother Earth ;)
So we got a chance that also more people "smell" whats "fishy" about this situation...
Did you hear that CBS News in US shows old pics from italian hospitals, and NY hospitals are
actually kinda empty... Big Fake is going on...
Yo Bro, last week i tried to make a transaction with blocktrades, and it failed.
I'm not sure if i read something about a new verfication? Did you do a new verfication
on blocktrades in the last weeks?

No man, I am just logging in with my blocktrades account as usual and I have no problem using their services. You need a verification if you want to trade over 1750 a day I think so I definitely won't be needing that! Hahaha.

Haven't heard these news yet man, I am living under a rock for the past couple of days. We are rebranding Steemskate and I am too damn busy! Business first! Hahhaha!

Thanks bro for your infos.
This is real true.😔😔. Fuck fake news

Totally! But don't just listen to me.
Do your own research ;)

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